A Good Investment For the Price
(4 out of 5 stars)
"It is difficult for me to critique a DVD Set that I only paid $5.00 for, but I will try. Everyone knows that the films themselves are enjoyable; so I will only talk about the DVDs quality wise. When I first considered buying this I was concerned that I would be unhappy because of all the complaints I have heard about the film prints. But, this is a great set with decent quality most of the time. If you are not that picky qualitywise and want 4 great films for a cheap price, I say get it.Disc 1 - Side A Royal Wedding.
This print suffers from an overall darkness. The brighter scenes are decent, but when it comes to the night or darker scenes, the blacks and other dark colors seem to mix together. For the sound, it is actually pretty good(Probably the best of the set). Not crystal clear of course, but decent for a film 50 years old without any work done to it.
Overall grade = B
Disc 1 - Side B Perils of Paline
This print also suffers from the overall too dark look like Royal Wedding. The sound is a little worse than Royal Wedding. I would describe it as sounding somewhat flat. Overall grade = C+
Disc 2 - Side A Till the Clouds Roll By
This print seems to suffer from just the opposite of the last disc. There is an overall washout of color. The color quality isn't horrible, but it isn't great either. The color isn't as vibrant as it should be which results in it being a tad blurry. The sound on this is average. A little flat, but not as bad as Perils of Pauline.
Overall grade = B-Disc 2 - Side B Happy Go Lovely
This film print is perhaps the best of the set. While it is by no means great, it is almost always dark when it should be dark and colorful when it should be colorful. The only complaint picturewise is on skin tones. Many of the scenes the peach skin looks pink or almost red. The sound on this is also comparable to Till the Clouds Roll By. Okay, but a little flat.
Overall grade = B-Final words: If you like these films, you will probably enjoy this set as long as you are not one of those people who find films unwatchable if the video/audio quality isn't top notch."
Listed titles incorrect
Barry J. Christie | SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES Australia | 05/01/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"A previous review of this DVD list the 4 movies as Royal Wedding,
Perils of Pauline, You Were Never Lovlier and The Pajama Game
this is not correct, the 4 movies are Royal Wedding,Perils of Pauline
Till the Clouds Roll By and Happy go :Lovely.
Happy go Lovely is an excellent color print and of all the releases of
Till the Clouds Roll By this is the best print that I have purchased although
in no way the excellent quality of the MGM video released, hopefuly one
day MGM may consider a DVD release"
Listing lacks products details
Barry J. Christie | 04/09/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"No details of what the four movies are, so not possible to consider buying"