A group of friends (Michelle Rodriguez, Taryn Manning, Hill Harper and Oliver Hudson) fly away to a deserted island for the weekend, an island once controlled by a special canine research unit. They soon realize that this... more » beautiful getaway will become their biggest nightmare. Inspired by the horror classics, Cujo and The Birds. THE BREED takes you into the jaws of a flesh eating pack of wild dogs, genetically engineered to hunt and kill. Outnumbered and trapped they struggle to outsmart and outrun this terrifying species.« less
The movie cover makes the dogs look way worse than they actually are during the film. Fast and Furious's Michelle Rodriguez is in this but a bit of a minor role capacity.
Movie Reviews
What Has Happened To Audiences?
Ron E. Millisor | Columbus, OH | 06/22/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"One of the first "scare" movies I saw in the 70's as a kid, was a movie called "The Pack". It was basically a pack of dogs acting in the same vein as the shark in "Jaws". Now comes the idea redone as "The Breed". Honestly, I didn't expect much from this movie. But it is really well done. A lot of horror movies in the 70's were not necessarily by the numbers, genre pictures. They were dramatic movies with a few horrific elements thrown in. In those type of movies, you actually got to know the characters and saw them interact in a realistic way before something both scary and plausible happened to them. That is exactly what this movie is and it is a reliable good time for any late night cable viewing or to own. Apparently, after reading the other reviews here, the audience of today has come to expect a formula that "The Breed" does not fit into. I love sex and violence just as much as the next guy, but when was the last time you saw believable characters in a low budget horror? For me, probably it was "Dead Mary". So this doesn't feature a Jason like hacker, or blood and guts, so what? This was well thought out, acted, written, and directed. What has happened to audiences that they can't stand a decent story without scare, pause, scare, pause, scare..."
Where's the Dog Whisperer when you need him?
Jason | Backwater, Alabama | 10/14/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Not since Cujo has man's best friend become his worst enemy. Whereas the previous attacks were caused by rabies, this time around it's the result of genetic engineering gone wrong.
A group of young friends make their way to an isolated island where they expect to spend a wild time full of drinking, partying, and debauchery. What they find instead is a large pack of vicious dogs protecting their island; or, as one character put it, "scary-a@# lassies" looking for food. Although, one scene in which dogs are swimming after a person is completely hilarious, because we all know that in the water, human is far superior. It would have just been a matter of holding breath, and drowning a few dogs. As for real plot, it's simply Darwinian, survival of the fittest.
I'm sure there is a morality lesson about playing God in there somewhere, but I didn't care and I hardly noticed.
With nice special effects, production, cinematography, and pretty fair acting, it's what one would expect from a Wes Craven production. The acting is particularly astute (especially the four-legged actors), and aside from Michelle Rodriguez, the cast is comprised of pretty good young actors who we've all seen before, but can't name. Actually, the thing that's great about Rodriguez is crystal clear in this movie. Even as a leading lady, she can't shake the "tough" chick persona. I was waiting for her to snap a dog's spine over her knee during the entire movie.
It has typical horror elements, like the moron who descends into the basement towards his demise - in this case genetically engineered, mutant dogs with a taste for human flesh - is waiting in the dark. At times the idiocy makes you want to scream at the screen, "Climb a tree genius!" Thankfully, however, the "black guy dies first"-rule isn't followed until Noah (Hill Harper) provides some laughs with funny one-liners like "crazy-a&* old yellers". Given the concept, it's more advanced than one would think, with one great scene where the dogs make their eventual assault on the cabin - straight from a classic zombie movie. The story and character development is crisp, creating just enough empathy for the characters and their predicament, however unreal it may be.
I recommend this highly for horror fans, and only mildly for others."
I Liked It....My Cat, however, Did Not.....
The Jaundiced Eye | Texas, USA | 08/19/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I was discouraged by some of the negative reviews of this movie on this site, but decided to grab a beer and my cat and watch it anyway. I found it to be fairly enjoyable. Granted, some of the dialog was insipid and some of the characters really did deserve to be chewed on by wild dogs, but I felt that (unlike most horror movies) the cast's actions and reactions were reasonable. The acting was better than average for this genre, the story was interesting, and the dog scenes were quite impressive considering that (despite some misinformation in other reviews) there was no CGI involved. They actually relied on well-trained attack dogs to perform all the stunts. Judging from my cat's growling and hissing, the dog's acting was exceptional. Also, for us animal lovers, be sure to view the special features to see the clever ways they avoided hurting any of the dogs during the filming. It seems that some of the actors actually did get chewed on, but at least the dogs were safe.
Some reviewers suffer from critical snobbery. They are anxious to find fault in films to convince us of their sophistication. Let's face it, this movie isn't going to end up on Roger Ebert's top ten list, but it definitely deserves more than one or two stars. Save your scathing reviews for really awful films like The Green River Killer. My advice is to grab a beer and your cat and give this DVD a chance."
Ben Wasden | Uriah, AL | 06/25/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Imagine CUJO then multiply it by ten, and you get WES CRAVEN'S THE BREED. It's kind of like a slasher movie, only with dogs. Characters wander off alone, and then are attacked. There's no phone, and the movie takes place at a cabin in the middle of nowhere so there's no chance of anyone coming to the rescue.
THE BREED is a fun little action/horror movie with plenty of jump-out-of-your-seat moments. It starts off kind of slow, taking good bit of time for character development. In most movies like this, that's a bad thing. However, I liked the characters in this movie.
I'd recommend THE BREED to anyone who likes killer dog movies."