Pure Cheating
Diva_C | 12/09/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I rented this video after seeing Rize and was sorely disappointed. Todd Bridges and Shabba Doo set up their "best" dancers against one another with Todd Bridges supporting krumpin and Shabba Doo supporting breakin. There is supposedly a "dance off" and the breakers have some choreographed mess while the krumpers outshine them the whole way. As a wager is placed on this competition Shabba Doo is supposed to be fair when judging but I am guessing that he doesn't want to pay so he calls a tie. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY! Thank goodness for rentals."
Shabadoo came through --so did Todd
CLEMENT | LONG BEACH, CA United States | 08/25/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am 45 years old. I grew up with shabadoo and Todd Bridges. I know both of them. I knew they would be opened minded enought and fair enough to call the battle. They both concluded the same as I did, that it was a tie. Krump is hear to stay, and breakin is too..my only complaint was that Shabadoo could have put more poppers or Lockers ...now that would have really been unfair. the guy in the red suite was a okay popper...but lets see the youngsters go up against mr wiggles and the electric boogaloo....oh that would have made me cry..because I would feel bad for not knowing enough to judge krumpin fairly.. I go by the crowds enthusiam..and they get the crowd going. I am going to learn to krump at my old age..cause dancing is my life..Long beach late 70's and we street danced..oh yeah...long live Pete, Sam, Marvin, decky, skally, robot dane,skeeter Rabbitt, creepin Sid, the boogaloo bandit, elmo, david Nelms, and many other street dancers who loved the excitment of the crowd."
Transition from One Dance to the Next
Shamontiel L. Vaughn | Chicago | 12/28/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I saw this movie earlier this year and really enjoyed it. I can't believe I could've missed something like this when it first came out, considering I know all the words to "Breakin" and "Breakin 2" from watching them repeatedly as a child. I didn't even recognize Shabba Doo "Ozone." My mother had to tell me. This movie was basically about a bet that Shabba Doo and Todd Bridges made in regard to who was better between breakers and krumpers. I enjoyed seeing how the krumpers have transitioned from this movie. I love movies about hip-hop, especially when it's true to the artform and Hollywood hasn't watered it down.
Cons: The dance-off scene, once the dancers were picked, was in a mediocre area. I wish it would've been outside or in a more realistic environment instead of a warehouse with all of these people who looked like this was their first time ever even BEING around hip-hop dancers. I was concerned that the krumpers could even get into character, but ironically, the breakers acting a complete fool helped. I would've never thought that the breakers would act so intimidated and defensive, but it made for great entertainment.
Pros: I liked the decision of the winners. It was only fair and realistic. I wanted to know why another man would want to take someone else's past nickname (Baby Tight Eyez) but I give Wild Boy the thumbs up for changing his name and showing his individuality. Todd is a pretty funny guy. I liked watching his crazy rendition of breaking and him and Shabba Doo go back and forth joking."
The Rise of Krumpin
Phil | 04/01/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD revolves around the old-skool dance style of Breakin (Or BBoying/Breakdancing) against a new upcoming dance style called Krumpin.
The storyline is rather mediocre, with two people making a bet as to which dance style would beat the other. The content however, goes rather in depth into the current image of the dance styles.
As you watch this film, you will learn the basic roots of Krumpin and Breakin, and how the battle styles differ and such. Well known Bboys such as Crumbs and Reun represent the Bboy team, and Krumpin founder Tight Eyez leads the Krumpin team.
Much of the film itself is based on the preparation to the battle, and how both teams look for crew members to join the battle.
The battle itself has lots of energy, with some mind blowing moves from both sides. However the difference in music and battle style made the battle hard to judge from an audiences point of view. If you only wish to buy the DVD just to find the outcome of the battle, I would not reccomend. You're better off finding out the verdict from another source since the battle is only a small portion of the DVD.
Note to BBoys/Bgirls: The international scene for BBoyin/Bgirlin is not represented well in this video. Do not expect appearances from any bboy outside of the US."