Carnival in Bahia, Brazil is like no other carnival in the world. The city of Salvador de Bahia pulses with energy and excitement as throngs of people gather in a celebration of life. The Samba Reggae percussion groups cal... more »led Blocos Afros parade in the streets as carnival participants dance and party. The Brazilian Carnival Dance Workout: Samba Reggae brings the excitement and energy of the Bahia carnival from Salvador to your home. This vibrant total-body workout program weaves authentic Samba Reggae moves into high-energy dance combinations. Samba Reggae is an aerobic dance form - a great way to shake off stress, burn calories, and wake up your senses with invigorating rhythm. Samba Reggae is a street dance, its moves are simple and accessible to everyone, any body type, and any level of dance experience. As you follow Quenia Ribeiro and her Grupo Ribeiro dancers, you will learn faster with every step, your strength, flexibility, and nimbleness will grow every time you do this workout. Building on the success of her Samba Reggae Workout DVD, Quenia Ribeiro designed The Brazilian Carnival Dance Workout as a blend of non-stop fitness movement and dance instruction. In the first section of the workout Quenia introduces Samba Reggae moves and combinations step-by-step, and practices them with you at a slower pace. The second and the third sections of the workout put together the Samba Reggae combinations at a medium tempo, and then at a fast tempo. Quenia also offers a thorough warmup with upper and lower body isolations, exercises for abdominal and lower body strengthening and stretches, and a relaxing cooldown.« less