If you know who George Glass was, you might be a Brady-addic
JGC | 11/01/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am proud to be a Brady-addict!!! You can be a Brady-addict, too... It's really easy...
...If you know who George Glass was, you might be a Brady-addict. If you know why Jennifer Nichols dumped Greg, you might be a Brady-addict. If you know why Jan rubbed a lemon on her face, you might be a Brady-addict. If you know why Greg had to hide Raquel, you might be a Brady-addict. If you know who Phil Packer was, you might be a Brady-addict. If you know who made fun of Cindy's lisp, you might be a Brady-addict. If you know the names of Alice's two siblings, you might be a Brady-addict. If you know why Alice quit working for the Brady's, you might be a Brady-addict. If you know the name of Mike's boss, you might be a Brady-addict. If you know which Brady boy had a passionate on-screen kiss, you might be a Brady-addict. If you've seen "The Brady Kids," Brady Bunch Variety Hour, "The Brady Brides," Brady Home Movies, Very Brady Christmas, "The Brady's" and Still Brady After All These Years: A 35TH Anniversary Reunion Special you might be a Brady-addict...
"The Brady Bunch" is only the best sitcom that ever made it to American TV. I grew up watching this classic program and can proudly say that I know every single show by heart. I can see a show for just a split second and know the exact and precise plot; is this a gift or a curse? But, that doesn't mean these shows ever get boring. There's always room for "The Brady Bunch" because this happy family can bring a smile to anyone's face.
The late and much-loved Robert Reed played the Brady patriarch, Mike Brady. Mr. Brady was always the sense of reason. Every time I see him I instantly think of Carol saying, "Whatever your father says." Or, I think of the kids saying to Mike (after he kindly put them in their place, so to speak), "I never thought of it like that..." Robert Reed was an awesome actor. Because he played the part very seriously. He didn't care that it was only a kid's show. No, to him it was a real family. And, not too many guys can pull off a perm but Mike looked pretty hot. Before joining "The Brady Bunch," Robert Reed was on the classic '60s detective drama, "The Defenders."
Speaking of hot, Florence Henderson was one hot mama; playing Carol Brady née Martin (and her maiden name was Tyler.) It was never established, but I have always believed that Carol was widowed. She wasn't divorced, because at a time in American culture this was still a controversial subject. (Of course in the The Brady Bunch Movie / A Very Brady Sequel, she is a divorcée, but that's certainly not the same storyline.) Carol was the world's best mom. She was always there for her kids, but she didn't baby them. Carol treated all of her kids like adults. One of my favorite eps with Carol was during the ep "Every Boy Does It Once." Bobby wanted to run away because he didn't feel needed or wanted, and Carol says, "it's a big world out there; you didn't think I was going to let you go alone." Since, "The Brady Bunch" Flo has kept busy. She had a couple talk-shows and has acted in movies. She even wrote a cookbook, Florence Henderson's Short-Cut Cooking: America's Favorite Mom Helps You Get Dinner On The Table Fast. But no matter what she does, she will always be most loved for being Carol Brady.
A member of the Brady Family that is tremendously underrated is Alice Nelson (Ann B. Davis.) I just loved Alice. What can I say about Alice that you don't already know? She was always there when the Brady's needed her and never around when they didn't. But she wasn't viewed as a "maid." Nope, Alice was a bona fide member of the family. Alice was seamstress, chef, nursemaid, listener, friend and at times even surrogate mother for the entire Brady Family. I don't think the Brady's could ever survive without Alice and Alice could never survive without them. And didn't Alice's dishes always look so good? I don't think she cared about carbs or fat-grams. There's also a great cookbook that Ann B. Davis wrote, Alice's Brady Bunch Cookbook. In the '50s Ms. Davis was best known as the lovable, "Schultzy" from her two-time Emmy-winning role on "The Bob Cummings Show."
Greg was the oldest Brady brother, played by Barry Williams. Greg enjoyed singing, playing the guitar, baseball, and surfing. And Greg was always girl-crazy. One of my favorite eps with Greg is "Our Son, the Man." This is the one where Greg moved into Mike's den and gets a "groovy" new outfit to impress a senior at school. There are many books about "The Brady Bunch," but Barry Williams wrote the very best book that I have ever read, Growing Up Brady : I Was a Teenage Greg. Barry, aka Johnny Bravo, even had his own CD: Return of Johnny Bravo.
Marcia was the oldest Brady girl, played by Maureen McCormick. For lack of a better word, Marcia was perfect. She was a cheerleader, a writer on the school newspaper and she had more friends and boyfriends than she knew what to do with. She also had the most perfect blonde hair in the world. Marcia also had a really beautiful voice, remember when she sang? In 1997 Maureen played country-singer, Barbara Mandrell in a critically-acclaimed movie. Maureen even released music into the `90s that has somewhat of a country flair, When You Get a Little Lonely. And, earlier this year Maureen was on "Celebrity Fit Club" and got into fit shape! I understand Maureen is currently writing a book that will be out next year!
Peter (Christopher Knight) was probably the most thoughtful Brady boy. He was always around to lend a helping hand and he always felt remorse when he did something wrong. Remember "The Personality Kid" ep? Peter tries to come up with a new personality because he is afraid that no one likes him. But he learns that even saying "pork chops and applesauce" can't buy him friends if he doesn't like himself first. Of course, Chris Knight is well-known now by an entirely new generation, thanks to "The Surreal Life" and his very popular reality-show, "My Fair Brady."
Jan, aka Marcia's little sister (Eve Plumb) was one of my very favorite Brady's. I always felt bad for Jan. She had to spend her entire childhood living in Marcia's shadows. Jan tried everything to branch-out and be her own person; she tried being a pom-pom girl, a painter, a tap dancer and even a writer. All with no success; because Jan was always the perpetual loser. Of course Jan uttered the most famous lines on "The Brady Bunch," when she said, "Marcia, Marcia Marcia." Don't worry Jan, I still love you. After "The Brady Bunch" ended, Eve became the "Brady" who was most reluctant to talk about her past. She even branched out into many different roles which were the complete opposite of the sweet and shy Jan. She was in the '79 movie Little Women. One of Eve's best roles was playing a nun in a series of eps on "The Facts of Life."
Bobby was the youngest Brady boy, played by Mike Lookinland. Bobby was the type of kid that a parent had to always watch because he was slick. He would do something when no one was looking. He also had a tendency to snitch; remember when he became a safety-monitor and started using his authority to his own advantage by busting all of his bothers and sisters, not to mention the kids at school?
Speaking of snitches, Cindy Brady was the youngest Brady child; played by the considerably more intelligent Susan Oleson. This child was purely dumb a as a doorknob which only made her more funny than the rest. Cindy also had an incredibly large mouth; she would repeat anything and everything she (over)heard. She was referred to as "the baby" at least once by Marcia and I think that was more because of the way she behaved than because of her actual age. Before being cast as cute Cindy, Susan had a bit part in one of The King's last movies, The Trouble with Girls.
And rounding out the cast is Sam "the butcher" Franklin (played by the legendary character actor, Allan Melvin also famous for another ground-breaking '70s sitcom, All in the Family - The Complete First Season.) And, towards the end of Season Five, Cousin Oliver (child character actor, Robbie Rist) joined the family. Also members of the extended Brady Family were Tiger the Dog (real name: Tiger) and Fluffy the Cat (pilot ep, only) (real name: unknown.) Cindy also got a couple of rabbits in the last ep that she wanted to sell, named Romeo and Juliet (real names for both: who cares.)
It really is hard to say who my favorite character is because I feel like I know them all so well. They Brady's are like a member of my own family. How can I choose one over the other? I suppose if I had to choose, I would pick Jan and coming in at a close second would be Cindy and Alice, tied.
"The Brady Bunch" was always extremely educational for children. I started watching "The Brady Bunch" in the late `80s when I was 7 or 8 and it really taught me a lot. I didn't come from a large family, but perhaps I learned from "The Brady Bunch" the importance of family and the importance of sharing with others. I also learned more basic lessons in history. For example, when my family went to HI, I already knew about Pearl Harbor & the USS AZ (courtesy of "The Brady Bunch.") I also learned about Early American History, specifically Benedict Arnold, as he was spoken about more than a couple of times.
There was another very important lesson that "The Brady Bunch" taught me. I learned that just because a family was not physically related didn't mean that they couldn't love each other just as much and be just as close as any other nuclear family. The Brady's were a blended-family (I hate the word step, and as Carol said to Bobby, as she pointed towards the steps leading upstairs to the bedrooms, "those are the only steps in the house...") that was no different from any other family. Through "The Brady Bunch" I learned that family can really be whatever you make of it.
It took me years to realize that "The Brady Bunch" was (supposed to be) in actuality a children's TV show. I used to think that this was how all families lived and I thought that this was how all `70s TV shows were. Of course, I was very wrong. But wouldn't it be great if we all lived in a Brady World!
"The Brady Bunch" never "jumped the shark." Of course there were better eps at times. But there is not a single season that is worse than the others. This is very rare for long-running sitcoms that produce in excess of 100 eps (the Brady's did 117.) "The Brady Bunch" was always consistent because each season was top-quality television entertainment. Below, is a list of all the eps from the entire run of "The Brady Bunch."
Season One
The Honeymoon (original air-date: 9/26/1969)
Mike marries Carol and all havoc breaks out at the reception when Tiger gets out of the car.
Dear Libby (original air-date: 10/3/1969)
Dear Libby is an advice columnist who "tells it like it is." When a curious piece is printed in her column everyone gets suspicious.
Eenie, Meenie, Mommy, Daddy (original air-date: 10/10/1969)
Cindy has trouble choosing which parent to invite to her school play, because there isn't enough room to have both parents. Although this made an interesting ep, I have to ask myself, what kind of school can only allow a child to bring 1 parent to a school play?
Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (original air-date: 10/17/1969)
Alice thinks she's no longer needed or wanted because of Mrs. Brady.
Katchoo (original air-date: 10/24/1969)
The boys would rather give away Jan when they learn that she is allergic to Tiger.
A Clubhouse Is Not a Home (original air-date: 10/31/1969)
The boys hide out in their clubhouse and Carol urges all of the kids to share everything. Mike doesn't agree wholeheartedly. For some reason, this ep doesn't show up in syndication as often as the others.
Kitty Karry-All is Missing (original air-date: 11/7/1969)
Tiger steals Kitty Karry-All, prompting Cindy to accuse Bobby.
A-Camping We Will Go (original air-date: 11/14/1969)
The Brady Family goes camping.
Sorry, Right Number (original air-date: 11/21/1969)
Mike installs a payphone when the kids start using the phone too much.
Every Boy Does It Once (original air-date: 12/5/1969)
One of my favorite eps; Bobby has something "stuck in his craw" as Mike puts it. And, when Carol finds out that he is running away she insists on going with him.
Vote for Brady (original air-date: 12/12/1969)
Marcia and Greg both run for class president.
The Voice of Christmas (original air-date: 12/19/1969)
Carol loses her voice just before Christmas.
Is There a Doctor in the House? (original air-date: 12/26/1969)
Carol and Mike can't decide on which doctor to use for the kids. You might recognize Dr. Porter (Marion Ross) from "Happy Days" and Dr. Cameron (Herbert Anderson) from "Dennis the Menace."
Father of the Year (original air-date: 1/2/1970)
Marcia nominates her father for an award sponsored by a local newspaper.
54-40 and Fight (original air-date: 1/9/1970)
The boys are yet again pitted against the girls in a playing-card house championship bout.
Mike's Horror-Scope (original air-date: 1/16/1970)
Beebe Gallini (Abbe Lane) makes her grand entrance as one of Mike's most pretentious clients.
The Undergraduate (original air-date: 1/23/1970)
Greg falls for one of his teachers.
Tiger, Tiger! (original air-date: 1/30/1970)
Tiger causes more trouble when he runs away.
The Big Sprain (original air-date: 2/6/1970)
While Carol is out of town, Alice slips and falls, prompting the kids to be more independent.
Brace Yourself (original air-date: 2/13/1970)
Marcia is upset about getting braces. Things are further complicated when she thinks Alan Anthony no longer likes her. Note, for some reason on this show, Alan is credited as "Craig."
The Hero (original air-date: 2/20/1970)
Peter becomes a hero when he saves a little girl, at Driscoll's Toy Store.
The Possible Dream (original air-date: 2/27/1970)
Marcia is furious when Cindy accidentally gives away her diary. Desi Arnez, Jr. has a cameo at the end.
To Move or Not to Move (original air-date: 3/6/1970)
The Brady's contemplate moving to a larger home.
The Grass is Always Greener (original air-date: 3/13/1970)
This is another favorite of mine. Mike and Carol switch roles and find out that the grass isn't always greener on the other side.
Lost Locket, Found Locket (original air-date: 3/20/1970)
Jan receives a mysterious locket from another middle child.
Season Two
The Dropout (original air-date: 9/25/1970)
Greg gets a swelled ego when he thinks he can be a baseball star. Don Drysdale has a small part as himself.
The Babysitters (original air-date: 10/2/1970)
The kids are left alone for the first time, in the care of Marcia and Greg.
The Slumber Caper (original air-date: 10/9/1970)
This is one of my favorites! Marcia is allowed to have a slumber party, but it's called off at the last minute when Mike and Carol find out that Marcia was making fun of a teacher. However, after getting to the bottom of things, Mike and Carol agree that Marcia can have the party. Marcia, Jan and Cindy figure out that it must have been Marcia's best-friend Jenny who got Marcia in trouble. Marcia is incredibly spiteful when she calls up Jenny and barks at her, "consider yourself uninvited."
The Un-Underground Movie (original air-date: 10/16/1970)
Another favorite! Greg directs a Thanksgiving-themed movie with the entire family in the cast.
Going, Going...Steady (original air-date: 10/23/1970)
Marcia goes steady with Harvey "Bugs" Klinger.
Call Me Irresponsible (original air-date: 10/30/1970)
Greg gets a job as Mike's assistant, hoping he can save enough for a car.
A Fistful of Reasons (original air-date: 11/13/1970)
A classic ep! Baby talk, baby talk, it's a wonder you can walk... Buddy Hinton makes fun of Cindy then clocks Peter in the eye, when he tries to defend her. When Carol tries to speak to Mrs. Hinton about it she says, "That's man's business."
The Not-So-Ugly Duckling (original air-date: 11/20/1970)
Jan is smitten by Clark Tyson, but he only has eyes for Marcia after she comes "slinking in."
The Tattle-Tale (original air-date: 12/4/1970)
Perhaps to get extra attention, Cindy becomes a snitch.
What Goes Up . . . (original air-date: 12/11/1970)
Bobby falls and hurts his ankle.
Confessions, Confessions (original air-date: 12/18/1970)
Mom always says don't play ball in the house... Peter is racked with guilt over a broken vase. Will he do the right thing and confess or will he go on his camping trip and pretend like nothing happened? I absolutely love the end, when he asks his parents what he should tell his troupe leader; and Mike says, "Tell him the truth." Classic.
The Impractical Joker (original air-date: 1/1/1971)
Jan gets her kicks by playing silly jokes on the other kids. Carol warns her to knock it off but it falls on deaf ears.
Where There's Smoke (original air-date: 1/8/1971)
Greg tries smoking. Cigarettes.
Will the Real Jan Brady Please Stand Up? (original air-date: 1/15/1971)
Jan is once again tormented by her looks. So, look out world, here comes "the new Jan Brady!"
The Drummer Boy (original air-date: 1/22/1971)
Peter, Jan and Cindy join the glee club. One of the greatest defensive ends of all time, Deacon Jones guest stars on this ep.
Coming-Out Party (original air-date: 1/29/1971)
The gang are all invited fishing on Mr. Phillips' boat; however things are complicated when Carol inadvertently calls his boat a "broken down barnacle."
Our Son, the Man (original air-date: 2/5/1971)
Greg wants his own room, because he feels more mature than his brothers.
The Liberation of Marcia Brady (original air-date: 2/12/1971)
Marcia takes up Women's Lib in this ep by joining an all-boy's club.
Lights Out (original air-date: 2/19/1971)
Cindy is terrified of magic. Yet everyone thinks it's a good idea for her to be Peter's assistant when he performs some magic for a school audition.
The Winner (original air-date: 2/26/1971)
Cindy wins a trophy prompting Bobby to feel left out. Because he is now the only Brady child not to have won anything.
Double Parked (original air-date: 3/5/1971)
The neighborhood park may be bulldozed, thanks to Mike's firm.
Alice's September Song (original air-date: 2/12/1971)
An old boyfriend of Alice's comes for a visit and wants to take more than her time.
Tell it Like It Is (original air-date: 3/26/1971)
Carol writes an article for a women's mag.
Season Three
Ghost Town, U.S.A. (original air-date: 9/17/1971)
The Brady's travel to the Grand Canyon in a camper that Mike surprises them with. Along the way, they stop at a "ghost town." Jim Backus (of course who could forget that he was Mr. Howell on "Gilligan's Island") plays Zaccariah T. Brown, a kooky old prospector, on this ep and on the beginning of the following one.
Grand Canyon or Bust (original air-date: 9/24/1971)
After escaping the ghost town, the Brady's finally settle at the Grand Canyon and set up camp. But Cindy and Bobby disappear.
The Brady Braves (original air-date: 10/1/1971)
Cindy and Bobby befriend a Native-American boy who leads them back to their camp. Soon, it is discovered that he is actually a run-away.
The Wheeler-Dealer (original air-date: 10/8/1971)
Greg buys a lemon for $100.00.
My Sister, Benedict Arnold (original air-date: 10/15/1971)
Greg is envious to see Marcia dating Warren Mullaney.
The Personality Kid (original air-date: 10/22/1971)
This is Peter's (in)famous pork chop and applesauce ep.
Juliet is the Sun (original air-date: 10/29/1971)
Marcia becomes even more stuck-up when she is cast as the lead in a school play.
And Now, A Word From Our Sponsor (original air-date: 11/5/1971)
A producer is interested in casting the Brady's in a commercial for laundry detergent.
The Private Ear (original air-date: 11/12/1971 )
Peter starts secretly taping his siblings, then he starts using the info to his advantage. When Marcia and Greg find out they plan to teach him a lesson by saying within earshot that there's gonna be a party for Peter. And, when Mike and Carol find out they are not amused; so they actually throw Peter a party!
Her Sister's Shadow (original air-date: 11/19/1971)
Jan utters her famous line: Marcia-Marcia-Marcia.
Click (original air-date: 11/26/1971)
Greg wants to join the football team.
Getting Davy Jones (original air-date: 12/10/1971)
Marcia will stop at nothing to get Davy Jones to perform at her school dance.
The Not-So-Rose-Colored Glasses (original air-date: 12/24/1971)
After a series of accidents, it is discovered that Jan needs glasses. However, she is reluctant because as she puts it, "I'll look positively goofy."
The Teeter-Totter Caper (original air-date: 12/31/1971)
Bobby and Cindy set out to break the teeter-totter world-record.
Big Little Man (original air-date: 1/7/1972)
Bobby becomes insecure about his height.
Dough Re Mi (original air-date: 1/14/1972)
Another classic Brady ep. Peter's voice changes just in time for the kids to cut a record.
Jan's Aunt Jenny (original air-date: 1/21/1972)
This is one of my favorites. Jan is again distraught about her looks when she thinks she'll end up looking like Aunt Jenny. Things get even worse when the eccentric Aunt Jenny (played by the comic legend, Imogene Coca) shows up and makes a big splash.
The Big Bet (original air-date: 1/28/1972)
Bobby and Greg make a bet to see who can do the most chin-ups.
The Power of the Press (original air-date: 2/4/1972)
Peter "Scoop" Brady becomes editor of the school paper.
Sergeant Emma (original air-date: 2/11/1972)
In a dual-role, Ann B. Davis plays Cousin Emma. Cousin Emma comes to stay with the Brady's when Alice goes away.
Cindy Brady, Lady (original air-date: 2/18/1972)
Bobby starts sending Cindy letters from a "secret admirer" hoping she'll snap out of her funk.
My Fair Opponent (original air-date: 3/3/1972)
Another favorite of mine. Molly Weber thinks she is the best thing since sliced bread when Marcia teaches her the fine art of combing her rats-nest of a mane.
The Fender Benders (original air-date: 3/10/1972)
Carol is in a minor car accident with Uncle Fester.
Season Four
Hawaii Bound (original air-date: 9/22/1972)
Mike surprises the gang with a trip to HI.
Pass the Tabu (original air-date: 9/29/1972)
Greg "wipes out" during a surfing contest. And the boys think it's because of a mini idol that Bobby found, so they set out to return it to an ancient burial ground.
The Tiki Caves (original air-date: 10/6/1972)
Vincent Price plays Prof. Hurbert Whithead; a kook that ties the boys up and takes them hostage. Of course all is forgiven, and things end up happily ever after when everyone is reunited at a luau.
Today, I Am a Freshman (original air-date: 10/13/1972)
Marcia becomes a high school freshman.
Cyrano de Brady (original air-date: 10/20/1972)
Peter has the hots for Jan's friend, Kerry.
Fright Night (original air-date: 10/27/1972)
On this ep, the kids all get their kicks by scaring each other. When Alice makes one too many sarcastic comments, they decide to scare her instead. However, things backfire when Mike and Carol come home early.
The Show Must Go On?? (original air-date: 11/3/1972)
Marcia and Greg convince their parents to perform with them in a Family Frolics night for their school.
Jan, the Only Child (original air-date: 11/10/1972)
Another favorite ep of mine and another one of Jan's troubled shows. Jan has tempter-tantrum after tempter-tantrum because she is sick of having brothers and sisters.
Career Fever (original air-date: 11/17/1972)
Mike incorrectly thinks that Greg wants to be an architect.
Goodbye, Alice, Hello (original air-date: 11/24/1972)
I love this particular show soooooo much. The kids take Alice for granted one too many times and she quits. But they realize that they were very wrong when Kay takes over; so they set out to bring Alice back. Note, Robert Reed refused to be in this show because he thought the storyline was unrealistic.
Greg's Triangle (original air-date: 12/8/1972)
Greg chooses Pat Conway (a very young Rita Wilson) over Marcia and his new girlfriend, Jennifer, in a cheerleading competition.
Everyone Can't Be George Washington (original air-date: 12/22/1972)
Peter is relegated to playing Benedict Arnold in a school play.
Love and the Older Man (original air-date: 1/5/1973)
Marcia falls in love with Dr. Vogel.
Law and Disorder (original air-date: 1/12/1973)
Bobby's job as school safety-monitor goes to his head, real fast.
Greg Gets Grounded (original air-date: 1/19/1973)
Greg's car privileges are suspended because of Bobby's big mouth.
Amateur Nite (original air-date: 1/26/1973)
Due to a mix-up (on Jan's part,) the kids are forced to enter a talent-show to raise money for a gift for their parents' anniversary.
Bobby's Hero (original air-date: 2/2/1973)
Bobby idolizes Jesse James. Didn't Cher sing a song about him right around this time?
The Subject Was Noses (original air-date: 2/9/1973)
Classic Brady ep... Marcia gets clocked in the nose and loses a date with the B.M.O.C.
How to Succeed in Business? (original air-date: 2/23/1973)
Peter loses his job at a bike shop because he doesn't move quick enough.
The Great Earring Caper (original air-date: 3/2/1973)
Peter and Cindy play detectives to track down a pair of Carol's earrings.
You're Never Too Old (original air-date: 3/9/1973)
In dual-roles by Robert Reed and Florence Henderson, the kids' great-grandparents make a rare visit.
You Can't Win 'Em All (original air-date: 3/16/1973)
Cindy rubs it in when she is picked for a television show and Bobby isn't.
A Room at the Top (original air-date: 3/23/1973)
Greg and Marcia fight over the attic. Both want it for a bedroom.
Season Five
Adios, Johnny Bravo (original air-date: 9/14/1973)
Greg would rather be a regular person, than a sell-out.
Mail Order Hero (original air-date: 9/21/1973)
Cindy and Bobby trick footballer Joe Namath into coming to their home for a visit.
Snow White and the Seven Bradys (original air-date: 9/28/1973)
Due one of Cindy's blunders, the production of "Snow White," for a school benefit is put on in the Bradys' backyard.
Never Too Young (original air-date: 10/5/1973)
Bobby befriends Millicent (Melissa Sue Anderson of Little House on the Prairie - The Complete Season 1.)
Peter and the Wolf (original air-date: 10/12/1973)
Peter and Greg go on a double-date and humiliate Mike and Carol with their "X -R*ted" antics.
Getting Greg's Goat (original air-date: 10/19/1973)
Greg steals a rival team's mascot.
Marcia Gets Creamed (original air-date: 10/26/1973)
Marcia gets a job as a manager of an ice-cream parlor.
My Brother's Keeper (original air-date: 11/2/1973)
Bobby saves Peter, then the two bicker once too many times. Finally, they make up.
Quarterback Sneak (original air-date: 11/9/1973)
Marcia becomes involved with the quarterback of a rival school's team.
Try, Try Again (original air-date: 11/16/1973)
Another one of my favorites because it's all about Jan's blatant dementia. As usual, she tries to succeed at something but falls flat on her face.
The Cincinnati Kids (original air-date: 11/23/1973)
The Brady's take a trip to King's Island, an amusement park in OH. This is another ep that doesn't seem to come up in syndication too often; or at least not as much as the rest.
The Elopement (original air-date: 12/7/1973)
Marcia and Jan mistakenly think that Alice is getting engaged to Sam.
Miss Popularity (original air-date: 12/21/1973)
Jan competes for the coveted "Miss Popular" contest at school.
Kelly's Kids (original air-date: 1/4/1974)
This was actually supposed to be a pilot for a sitcom that never got off the ground. Ken Kelly (played by Ken Berry, of "Mama's Family") and his wife Kathy adopt three boys. When they think that they're unwanted the kids run away to the Bradys'.
The Driver's Seat (original air-date: 1/11/1974)
Marcia gets her driver's license.
Out of This World (original air-date: 1/18/1974)
After meeting an astronaut, Bobby and Peter become interested in UFO's.
Welcome Aboard (original air-date: 1/25/1974)
The arrival of bad-luck Cousin Oliver signals the beginning of the end for "The Brady Bunch."
Two Petes in a Pod (original air-date: 2/8/1974)
Peter meets Arthur Owens (Christopher Knight, in a second role) who looks just like him.
Top Secret (original air-date: 2/15/1974)
Bobby and Oliver become suspicious of Sam when a couple of FBI agents show up.
The Snooperstar (original air-date: 2/22/1974)
Get ready, Shirley! Another one of my favorites. Cindy makes a complete and total fool out of herself when she thinks a talent scout is coming by the house to find the "new Shirley Temple." But it's just a client of Mike's; Natalie Schafer plays the role of Penelope Fletcher.
The Hustler (original air-date: 3/1/1974)
Mike's boss sends him a pool table. Jim Backus has another part in this classic series as Harry Matthews.
The Hair-Brained Scheme (original air-date: 3/8/1974)
Bobby sells hair tonic that turns Greg's hair orange-blonde. Meanwhile, Cindy starts selling bunnies. When neither one can turn a buck, they both decide to bleach their bunnies and sell them back to the pet store. This is the last ep of "The Brady Bunch" and unfortunately Robert Reed refused to appear in this show because he thought it lacked continuity.
The performances of the entire cast was always first-class. Especially the acting of the children, it was impressive to watch them because they were such talented actors and actresses, even at such young ages. It's not uncommon for child actors to just be glorified props. But, not on "The Brady Bunch." I don't think Sherwood Schwartz would ever have stood for that. When Cindy cried, I thought they were real tears, not "crocodile tears." When Marcia made snide remarks to Jan, such as, "don't get mad at me if boys don't find you attractive," you could hear the meanness in her voice. When Peter was afraid to participate in the glee club you could see the blatant sadness and desperation written all over his face. When Alice slipped and fell (on the kids' game board,) it really looked like she almost broke her neck.
Another aspect of the show that I know is imperative is how Mr. and Mrs. Brady always believed in their children and always encouraged them. When Carol saw a pack of cigarettes fall out of Greg's coat pocket ("Where There's Smoke,") she immediately believed him when he said they weren't his. There was absolutely no question about this. When Marcia wanted to get Davie Jones ("Getting Davie Jones") to perform at her school, instead of telling her that she was chasing waterfalls her parents even helped her! When Mike thought that Greg wanted to be an architect he was the proudest man in the world; and even after he saw that Greg had no talent, he still tried to help him. When Carol told Marcia that they believed she was telling the truth ("The Slumber Caper,") she was ecstatic to see that her parents believed in her. And, Mike even went to Marcia's school because he believed in his daughter and he wanted to find out what exactly happened. When Bobby tried to win a trophy his entire family went out of their way to help him. If I got a buck for every time Carol and Mike encouraged Jan during all of her identity-breakdowns I would be a rich person. And, at the end of the day, it didn't matter to the Brady's that there kids weren't perfect. It didn't matter because to them, what was most important was just getting in the game and giving it a good try.
The DVD's include the full eps; there are 2 "Complete Series Sets." I prefer this set just because it has that groovy-retro '70s look. Sherwood Schwartz, creator of "The Brady Bunch," is to put it mildly, a genius. I am certain that there isn't a more wholesome TV show that the entire family can enjoy! Remember, you are what you watch!"
My Very Own Brady Bunch Channel!
Lrigyttiw | San Jose, CA | 10/22/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Brady Bunch - Complete Series Pack (Seasons 1-5)
After nagging my very loving boyfriend, he finally purchased my Brady Bunch dvds. I'm in Brady Heaven! I feel like I have my very own Brady channel. I've been watching it on TVLand, but they seem to skip certain episodes. I received the package last week, and I'm only on the third season... it's different than TVLand, because there are NO commercials. I love the intro, where they're standing on the stairs, and it says "IN COLOR" at the bottom. That brought back memories from watching in the early 70s.
I was a little disappointed that the set is just the individual seasons shrink wrapped together. There was no booklet, like the one that's included with the shag carpeting cover. I wanted that set, but after reading all the reviews where they said the discs had glue on them, or they were unplayable, I didn't want to take the chance. I have Barry Williams's "Growing Up Brady" book, and I have "Bradymania", so I guess I can live without the booklet.
I'm very happy with the purchase. Next up, the Lost In Space dvds!"