The softer side...
J. Fink | St. Louis, MO | 09/16/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"...of Tsukasa Domyoji is displayed in this installment in the excellent series Boys over Flowers (aka Hana Yori Dango). Up until this point, we can guess why he is upset, suppose that he IS actually upset, but with his odd (and over the top behavior) we can never really be sure. However, with the basketball game that can mean the expulsion of Tsukushi and Rui now over (1st episode of the disc), we begin to see the inner workings of Tsukasa. Are his feelings for Tsukushi genuine, or is he merely a spoiled child used to getting what he wants, and what he can't have?
I don't want to give anything away, so I can't really write much about what is going on in this disc. I will say that the characters are starting to develop a little bit more. We see the softer side of Tsukasa, Rui's wit, and some of the background story of the F4. We already knew how kindhearted Tsukushi really was, but how loyal is she as a friend? Sakurako and the terrible trio make their return appearances in the later episodes as well...perhaps soon they will be given another dimension to their characters.
The downside to this series, at least in terms how it is released, is that while I can sit down and watch the entire DVD (and more, if I happen to have a couple of new ones in a row) in one sitting, the storyline progresses fairly slowly, so it becomes agonizing to wait for the next DVD to come out. I, for one, feel it is well worth the agony. Boys over flowers is a very well written anime series. It's a little over the top most times in terms of situations and the behaviors of the characters, but it is a real story at heart; one that seems possible, with real people involved. The animation takes a little bit of getting used to, in my opinion. It's not the standard style, where everyone is gorgeous and misproportioned. The music is beautiful, however, and the opening song is very catchy.
The DVD extras on this disc are not much of anything. As usual, we are given character sketches, but this time of the terrible three (I can't remember all of their names). However, the three are linked together in one bio that is only about 6 sentances long. The other extra is a set of sketches of 2 of the bath items seen in the DVD..not even any background information on how commonplace they are, or anything.
But if you've seen the rest of BOF, you definitely won't want to miss this DVD. And if you are a newcomer to the series, you should certainly give it a chance. Just be aware that you may spend a few "Sleepless Nights" staying awake to watch it, and many days awaiting the release of the next DVD if you are one to buy them as soon as they are released.
**As a side note, I've heard that there is a Hana Yori Dango movie that was produced in Japan. I've not heard yet if there are plans for it to come to the US...but here's hoping!**"
Can't Get Enough of it!!
HatsumiShinogu | Orange County, California | 10/07/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I just finished watching Vol.7 today. To tell you the truth, I liked it so, so much, and I can't wait for the next one to be released. I've watched all of the volumes till now and I sure will keep buying the upcoming ones. I don't know, but I think that I like Tsukuchi to be with Tsukasa more than with Rui Hanazawa. I can feel that he loves her so much, though he is a spoiled brat who got used to always get what he wants. I want them to end up together, but we will never know till the end. Rui is a good guy but he is better off with the one he loved and I think that he still cares for her and that's why he refused Tsukuchi, though he implied that he did so because of Tsukasa, his friend since childhood. Anyway, for those who loves this series, this one is a must one and for those who doesn't know about it yet, go for it and try it. Please release the next volumes soon.
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