Bad Movie...
Joshua Miller | Coeur d'Alene,ID | 08/08/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I don't care how much I hate a movie...I finish watching it. There's only two movies that I have stopped watching in the last 2 years. One was "The Phantom of the Opera." It's not that it was a bad movie, I just don't like musicals. The second one, is this film. I made it through twenty minutes before turning this off. What a piece of crap. That's not just because it's completely inaccurate and can't hold a candle to the original. This is just a poorly produced and poorly made film. First off, the dude playing Albert DeSalvo has a foreign accent. Not a Boston accent. Hell, I don't even mind the fact that he doesn't have a Boston accent...But the dude sounds like he's from Prague or something. The cinematography is awful...In the beginning, they list a hefty record (including rape) for DeSalvo. That's not true. Tony Curtis (who played DeSalvo in the original) was perfect; He made the character look like a family man, as well as an insane killer. This guy's crazy from the beginning and admitting to the murders right off the bat. Don't see this movie. See the the other one. This is a waste of time and a complete waste of money. I sat through Dahmer, Ted Bundy, Gacy, Evilenko, and Ed Gein. 4 of those 5 movies were bad. This is the worst. This movie deserves negative stars, OK?
The Boston Struggler
D. Thompson | 05/03/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"And I really struggled.
I felt like I was watching a cast of porno stars taking a week off from their usual work to try more 'serious acting' which had a don't-give-up-your-day-job quality about it: unnatural and stilted. I guess the fluffers weren't around. I think a better job could have been done with a bunch of cardboard cut-out figures.
The background music was mostly cheesy synthesized stuff. Okay so they didn't have a big budget. A kazoo might have worked better.
Camera work: they had one technique that they used to death - the slow circular pan. And what was with all those overhead shots of modern day Boston? Oh, maybe we weren't supposed to notice that.
I wondered about the research done on the story. Near the beginning when the goodie-two-shoes dectective gets a grilling on how he's got to get DeSalvo's confession any way he can, he questions why the guy would admit to the killings. The response from one of the tough guys is 'they're all looking for their 15 minutes.' This comes from the famous quote of Andy Warhol which, oddly enough, wasn't uttered until 3 years after the events in the movie take place.
And why, if there was political advantage in getting DeSalvo's confession at any cost, would you send an honest person to get it?
Clipping room floor fodder, this one."
John | Wildwood, MO | 06/24/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Talk about a dull movie. The facts were not all drawn out right nor was the personal information about Albert De Salvo. In summary, boring movie with Albert's mind games about the thirteen women he supposedly killed in the 60's."