Bitter old Ma Cowan wants to reignite the ancient blood feud with her hated neighbors, the Barstows. She forces her son Billy to swear he will avenge the death of his father, a casualty of the bloodshed between the two fam... more »ilies a decade earlier. Billy arms himself and rides off, but the boy has a dilemma. He is secretly in love with his neighbor, Barbara Barstow, and must desperately try to prevent another shooting war from erupting.Hollywood stunt man Bill Cody landed his first starring role in Dangerous Odds (1924), three years before he would produce and star in Born to Battle. He was unrelated to 'Buffalo Bill' Cody, but sharing his name certainly didn't harm his career. Cody starred in B-Western productions for three decades most notably Frontier Days (1934), The Vanishing Riders (1935) and Lawless Border (1935).« less