The Horrifying Truth!
LamesaJoe | The Border | 12/18/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you think illegal aliens aren't hurting anyone and are just doing the "jobs Americans won't do", then "Border" is a documentary that you NEED to see. As the Romans did before us, we are losing our national identity as our government and elected officials continue to see massive legal/illegal immigration as "no big deal". Watch and learn! Then, for the sake of your children and mine - ACT!"
Interesting and thought-provoking movie
J. Weaver | Plymouth, MI United States | 01/19/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is a fantastic look at the border situation. Interviews are intermixed with documentary footage and statistics. Both sides of the issue are interviewed but it leans toward the strong border side of the issue. The details are great and the statistics and footage are stark and disturbing in their simiplicity. This is a great, thought-provoking movie. I'll be using it in my college classroom."
Shocking Documentary
Freedom Fighter | San Diego, CA | 12/08/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Chris Burgard uncovers the shocking violence of drug and human trafficking from Mexico that is terrorizing our border states. The mainstream media and the U.S. Government has covered up these truths for too long. Horrifying at times but always entertaining, the viewer is left with a sense that this country is under attack and that we all must get involved to restore our time-honored tradition of LEGAL immigration, before another life is lost in the name of cheap labor from a third world country."
Heavily slanted, but has its moments
The Anti-Demagogue | Chicago, Illinois USA | 11/02/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This documentary is presented from the Minuteman perspective so "Minuteman" might be a better title. There are, however, attempts to show migrants as human. Activists for immigrants, on the other hand, are set up to seem foolish, ignorant, and misguided. The filmmakers could have presented more compelling pro-migrant or pro-immigration perspectives because the issues is not so clear cut. Coyotes are presented as devils incarnate and federal agents as jack-booted thugs, though it's nice to meet some actual border agents. Some of the footage attempts to make drama out of the mundane and it falls flat. Stylistically, it would be a stronger documentary if it were 20-30 minutes shorter.
The filmmaker is quite likable; he comes across well. And it is interesting to get a rich sense of the motivations and worldviews of Minutemen. Also, there are some helpful maps, diagrams, and statistics. I appreciated the limited attempts to present a guest worker program as part of the solution, but advocating securing the border and building a wall is too simplistic and it is made to seem the result of a lack of political will, but doing so is incredibly complicated and expensive to do so. People want to get in and they're going to figure out a way to get in, they're going to tear down fences, engage in riskier and more expensive attempts.
Finally, it's a shame that there's is no mention of the decriminalization or legalization of some drugs, which would take the profits away from the drug cartels and which is really the only hope for reducing the devastating impact cartels have at the border. If people in the U.S. could legally grow 1-2 marijuana plants in their homes it would do more to secure the border than bringing in the military."