Amos Lassen | Little Rock, Arkansas | 11/01/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
""The Book of Revelation"
Amos Lassen
Made in Australia, many have considered "The Book of Revelation" to be a shocking film. It is a tense film that keeps the viewer guessing. Daniel (Tom Long) is a male dancer who is abducted and abused by three hooded women and the film is his view on what happened. He is handsome and heterosexual and he was chosen by the women for sexual gratification although we never really lean why. This is probably what director Ana Kokkinis wants us to discover but there are few clues to follow. We never understand why the women humiliate Daniel and we only hear one woman say that "It is our pleasure".
The film is well done and what we see is how physical abuse can impact a person. Daniel loses his innocence and self-worth and even though the film is well-crafted it is very hard to sit through. Dealing with the theme of sex and power, there are some very disturbing moments in the film. Looking at the role of the male in society as being unbreakable, the film shows a man being broken. Scenes alternating between Daniel trying to come to grips with has happened and flashbacks to the abuse serve to heighten the tension and this is what makes the film so unsettling. The abuse at times appears ambiguous---were the acts real or fantasy is a question I had to deal with.
Daniel does manage to cope but it is hard to accept that he has told no one what happened. He did try to tell the police and his girlfriend but they did not really pay any mind to what he had to say.
The film is interesting even with its flaws and although the abuse is shocking, it could have even been more so shocking.
Dangerous Delusions - vs - Censorship.
Thy_Zombie! | Sydney, AUSTRALIA | 11/06/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"As my Review Title would suggest, I'm torn between the comments in the reviews that currently exist.
The "Dangerous Delusions" review points out, this story is based around the abduction of a male dancer by three hooded/masked women. Yes, he "becomes a live sexual toy gratifying three women", however, the gratification is against his will and any attempt to deny their sexual demands are met with the threat of hobbling his ankles. And, as the story unfolds, we find that they also abducted this man in particular because they found his dancing to be beautiful, hence, they also 'request' that he puts on a dance performance for them. What happens next, is accurately reviewed in the second paragraph of "Dangerous Delusions".
The "Censorship" review is 100% correct when it comes down to, exactly that, the censorship of a supposed NR (Not Rated/Unrated) DVD title. I too was somewhat sold on this rating. Only to discover that it was horribly censored when it came to human genitalia scenes in this movie.
Whether this has anything to do with the Region 8 Code (International venues such as aircraft, cruise ships, etc.), I don't know? Certainly, I do caution anyone who wants to purchase this product based on the somewhat false "Product Details" which stated the "Rating" as being "Unrated".
It may be UNRATED but it certainly is heavily CENSORED!!!
As for my rating, I would have given this DVD a 4/5 stars based on the content evaluation of this title. The misleading product details deserves a 1/5 star rating because it did ruin the flow of the content. Overall, I had to meet somewhere in between, rating this 3/5.
- TZ!
Strange psychological thriller
Ian George Fraser | Brazil | 10/14/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Strange introspective study, full of Bergman references. Australian dancer goes missing for 12 days then returns, disturbed. Films that rely heavily on imagery are rarely very successful and this is no exception, though it is refreshing to see a new director who is not afraid to try a new approach. Tom Long is exceptional as the lead and the dance sequences are both very impressive and perturbing. The plot is too diffuse and fantasy-laden, however, to make a real impression. Has been tagged as a gay movie, which is absurd, though there is a very strong and at times expicit sexual element. Possible interpretation: thoughts of death destroy sexual desire ? Curiosity value."