Keep it in Perspective!
D. Piedra | Ontario, Canada | 12/25/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you are looking for an Academy Award nomination, don't bother watching it. If you are looking for another epic of the scale of "Ten Commandments" don't bother with it either. This film was made with a much more economical budget and unknown stars so let's keep things in perspective. Some folks are expecting special effects of a "Star Wars" nature on a shoe-string budget? Give me a break folks ... get real!
Overall the movie is a great depiction of the first part of the Book Of Mormon. The message is simple enough and follows the exact simpleness of the actual book itself. However it appears that like the book, many have missed the point and as such are waiting for the special effects and great story line to carry this film.
At the end of it all, the film brings us closer to the characters and stories which we find in the first few books of the Book of Mormon. It may not be an academy award winner, but it is an above average video which does carry a great deal of emotion with it."
Great visual interpretation
B. Kodra | Anchorage AK | 02/11/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I really appreciate the effort that was put into making this production. I'd like to see more of them. Give people an insight into what LDS people really believe in."