The Bob the Builder? video series follows the adventures of an ever-friendly, helpful builder and his crew of fun-loving machines as they work together, solve problems, and build friendships.
John E. Riutta | Scappoose, Oregon United States | 01/19/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Bob - Bob the industrious, Bob the eternally optimistic, Bob the ever cheerful builder. Beloved of children on both sides of the Atlantic (including my daughter the industrious, eternally optimistic, generally cheerful toddler). How could anyone not like Bob?Granted, the tales of Bob do not possess the quirkiness or intellectually layered complexity of Sesame Street (you parents know what I mean - can you spot the William Tell reference in the "1,2,3" video?). However, he also lacks - thank the Lord - the chirpy droning musical numbers of Barney. No, Bob is earnest, forthright, and eminently good-natured. Friendship, craftsmanship, creativity, cooperation, and pride in what you do are all important elements in the world of Bob. To be truthful, I actually find myself wondering some things about future episodes myself. Will Bob and Wendy ever declare their love for one another? Just how diversified is Farmer Pickles' agricultural operation? How does a truck crane develop acrophobia, and is it treatable? Just what is Bob's last name?Take it from me, a father who has committed the three Bob tapes in our house to memory from repetitive viewing in the company of an ardent Bob admirer, Bob is a wholesome, gentle entertainment that should give no parent doubts or qualms."
Your todddler will be hooked!
Alyson Weir | Emeryville, CA USA | 04/23/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Having recently visited my family in England we were curious to see Bob the Builder as he was everywhere! My son who is two, was instantly mesmerized - so much so that we "had" to buy the video whilst we were there. The theme tune is so catchy you child will be singing along in no time, the animation is superb and the characters endearing. Alas, we could not bring the video back as it will not play here, so for now we have "Bob's Birthday" on cassette tape and eagerly await our American VHS of "Bob the Builder". This is a must for any child!!"
Bob's the best!
Alyson Weir | 05/10/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It's an irresistible combination - a catchy tune for both grownups and kids to sing along to, and a theme that teaches viewers that anything can be done, with a bit of creativity, hard work and fun. Bob the Builder has become my children's constant companion and his theme (Can we fix it? YES WE CAN!) is the family song. The tireless optimism and the innocent "we can do anything" attitude is just the thing for a world where even children's characters have become cynical."
Entertaining For Boys and Girls Alike
Alyson Weir | 08/30/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My 2-1/2 year old boy/girl twins both love Bob and his crew. We own "Can We Fix It" and "Pets in A Pickle." While my kids like both videos, this is the one my daughter requests most often. We ran across the series on Nick Jr., and my son was immediately fascinated because of the construction vehicles. But now it's my daughter (a girly-girl in the making) who wants the video...EVERYDAY! It's great for her to see Wendy up on the ladder fixing a gutter for poor Farmer Pickle. Now, whenever they see construction vehicles on the road, they say "that's Scoop" or "that's like Muck," etc."
Great Values, Wonderful fun
Alyson Weir | 11/02/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My toddler loves Bob the Builder. He loves the theme song, the characters, and the not-so-scary "villains." The characters face real fears (fear of the dark, fear of heights, fear of the unknown) and are often shown overcoming them with a little help. My husband's favorite part of the video is (almost) everyone's "can-do" attitude -- it helps when something is broken, when it's time to pick up toys, etc. "Can we pick up? Yes we can!" Even the one character (Lofty the crane, who's afraid of heights...) who isn't so sure about his ability to get the job done is shown getting his part of the job done with a little help. The tone is gentle and kind."