Holiday Wishes and Three Non-Related Joe Episodes
George Buttner | Dayton, Ohio United States | 12/31/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
""Blue's Room Holiday Wishes" contanins one of the best episodes of the mini-series "Blue's Room" and three Season 5 "Blue's Clues" episodes that aren't really related to the holidays.
"Holiday Wishes," which is going by the title "Blue's Room Holiday" on this DVD, features the Blue's Room characters all celebrating the holidays. For the most part, they're celebrating Christmas, but there's also talk of Hanukkah. And, most importantly, there's the only visit ever to Blue's Room from our good friend, Joe! They light a candle for him to help guide the way. They also create their own version of "The Twelve Days of Christmas."
The other episodes on this DVD are all from Season 5 of "Blue's Clues." They are "Can You Help?" "Look Carefully..." and "Patience." While they don't seem to fit into any single theme, they are all good episodes and only one of them features the infamous talking and singing clues.
Joe and the other characters often need our help, but "Can You Help?" is an entire episode devoted to this them. We help Joe find the clues (as always), help Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper make blueberry pancakes and do many other helpful things.
In "Look Carefully..." Blue, Joe and our friends all make careful observations of things. They even get to go into a game show parody with a Big Booming Announcer who plays video clips and then does quizzes on what happened in them.
Appropriately, the last episode is "Patience" --- one of the most important episodes of the show because it introduces the character Baby Bird, who shows up in many episodes later on. It features a great, simple song throughout --- "Wait. Wait. Wait. What can we do while we wait?" This tune uses the same music from a tune from a classic Steve episode --- "Change. Change. Change. How can we change?" This one also has a game (though not quite game show) parody --- Joe skidoos with Blue to find a clue and they play The Waiting Game.
As usual with most Nick Jr. TV show DVD releases, the special features are nothing to shout about. There's a fairly simple game in which you look for holiday objects in Blue's Room. There are Blue's Room short spots --- these are actually pretty good. There are trailers and promos for other video and DVD releases. Finally, there's Nicktrition tips, which I imagine can probably also be found on the official Nick Jr. website."