This award winning documentary directed by Sam Bozzo is based on the book BLUE GOLD: THE FIGHT TO STOP THE CORPORATE THEFT OF THE WORLD'S WATER by Maude Barlow and Tony Clark. The film examines the problems created by the ... more »privatization and commoditization of water. Contains 30 minutes of bonus material, including deleted scenes and an interview with the filmmaker.« less
"We can't live without water. You may have thought it was a human right. But certain corporations have been plotting to control the water supply on this planet for a while now, and have been moving into place around the globe. Now the World Bank has required certain governments to privatize their precious water supply -- make it a corporate commodity answerable only to stockholders -- as a condition to getting a loan. In some places it is now illegal to catch rainwater, because rain is being considered private property, including the United States. The evil of this worldwide corporate grab for control of your most precious resource is practically inconceivable, but it is happening. Blue Gold: World Water Wars is a landmark documentary that every school, library and church should own and show. Do you want the cost of your water to be controlled by private corporations and stockholders only interested in their bottom line? Do you want to give up your right to the water around you, including rain? It is time to get educated and get active. Start with this film."
Wake-up call
D. LAMBDIN | Eugene, OR United States | 04/09/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Sam Bozzo has given us a real eye-opener, calling attention to a seldom thought of looming crisis. We have been bombarded by information on Global Warming and energy consumpton, but little has been said concerning the world's current and future water crisis. As long as we can turn on the faucet and get a clean glass of water, why worry?
This fascinating look at man's seemingly never ending ability to jeopardize his own well-being should be seen by everyone.
Important and thought provoking
R. J. Arnott | 05/22/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I found this movie via torrentfreak which featured an article about the response of the independent film-maker to his movie being shared via torrent. His response was well written and thought out and simply asked for a donation if you respected what he was trying to do (donate to him via I immediately donated but it wasn't until a couple of days later that I thought it would be worthwhile seeing something created by such a level headed and thoughtful man.
And am I glad I did! It was great! The material was important and in a lot of ways it was tragic but it was put together in a way that gave a human face to the suffering without rubbing your nose in it and actually gave hope that individuals could make a difference. It could have gone over the top and produced another 'corporations are evil' movie but it was toned down enough that you didn't dismiss it out of hand and listened to the important message.
The first hour and a bit is a lot to handle but it is offset by the upbeat ending which shows ways in which changes are being made for the better: basically "its not all doom and gloom, we have a big problem but we know the solution and can point to cases where it has worked".
A useful study of the global water crisis
Future Watch Writer | Washington, D.C. Area | 06/20/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"We hear a lot about a global oil shortage. Even more ominous is the growing shortage of water in the world, a shortage being compounded by global warming which is reducing the snow melt, a key factor in creating the water flow for rivers. An ugly secret of the "green revolution" that reduced hunger has been the huge expansion of pumping out underground aquifers around the world. From Arizona to northern China water tables have been falling rapidly for years. The percentage of world crops dependent on irrigation has soared in the last 50 years. Even the US CIA sees water as a severe global crisis. I don't agree with all the points in this DVD but it serves as a wake up call about what is to come. There is a related book by the same author Blue Gold: The Fight to Stop the Corporate Theft of the World's Water. I would also recommend When the Rivers Run Dry: Water--The Defining Crisis of the Twenty-first Century."
Another eye opener.
Brian Nallick | Mpls, MN | 02/07/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Like "Food Inc."
"Blue Gold" is another must see documentary.
I'll admit I was completely ignorant of our water crisis.
Who would even think the planet is in a water crisis?
We're surrounded by water so what gives?
As usual it's the major corporations that are destroying our planet.
From our water to our food....uugh, it just never ends does it?
The greed shown by certain companies is just sickening.
I'll sum up "Blue Gold" like this.
Brilliant movie.
Eye opening.
Great direction.
Paced well.
A awesome and eye opening movie from start to finish.
Like "Food Inc." I give this documentary my highest recommendations!!!
I'd do a more in dept review but other reviewers have done that already, and done it well.
Trust me, watch this movie, you'll never buy bottled water again.