The guys who had you laughing on the Blue Collar Comedy Tour - Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall and Larry the Cable Guy - bring their particular brand of hilarity to Blue Collar TV: Season 1 Volume 1. Expect a hometown buffet ... more »of TV parodies, sketches, and stand-up, celebrating everything from spouses to spoilers, Winnebagos to Waffle Houses, cheap beer to even cheaper lingerie. You are about to get a 64-oz. Big Gulp of blue collar comedy. Are you ready? DVD Features:
"What a hilarious sketch show! Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, and Larry the Cable Guy are here to entertain TV viewers alike, and making the show a lot more bearable than any other stupidly raunchy sketch show (such as The Man Show). Too bad this DVD set contains only 13 episodes, but they are funny all around, nonetheless. These episodes are:
1. Family
2. Naked
3. TV
4. Bad Jobs
5. Marriage
6. Boyz in the Wood
7. Vacation
8. Sports
9. Funerals
10. Music
11. Partying
12. Getting Sick
13. Haloween
No matter what the episode is, you'll always find a hilarious sketch all around. In FAMILY, you would find the antics of little kids in the back seat of the car, as well as an infomercial stating Dan Grogan's House of Gravy (Always drown every meal with gravy). In NAKED, you would find a man going blind after seeing a naked 80-year-old woman in a Rescue-911 parody (anybody remember that show?) as well as Larry the Cable Guy hang out with a bunch of buxom babes in The Real Bachelor. In TV, you'll see special guest Ron White in mockery game show called Hug You or Hit You (classic), as well as Jeff, Bill, and Larry take part in a deer killing crime on CSI: Greater Greensboro North Tri-County Area. In BAD JOBS, you'll see Human Stunt Torso (armless and legless) Weeble Kneeble become tormented by the antics of his stunt coordinator while trying to preform a stunt as well as see Jeff try to fix a toaster oven for a woman on Fix It Or Feel Better. In MARRIAGE, you'll see Jeff Foxworthy star as a secret agent in a suspense film parody, trying not to be defined as the "you might be" guy ("If you don't tell me where the drugs are stashed, you might be shopping for dentures.") In BOYZ IN THE WOOD, you'll find Jeff Foxworthy and the rest of the Blue Collar TV crew go deer hunting and never find a single thing. In VACATIONS, you'll see Larry the Cable Guy give directions to a couple while listening to Lynrd Skynrd and drinking cans of beer, as well as see a divorced Bill find a new pimpy girlfriend during spring break. In SPORTS, you'll see George Foreman sell his new Frying Batter device to a family and watch them get burned and scalded, as well as see a deranged Bill coach a baseball team. In FUNERALS, my personal favorite, you'll see a talentless songwriter and singer L. Roy Tippet sell over 20 million songs including his classic "Infinity" (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,...and so on), as well as see the Tackett family reluctantly share a moment of grief for their dead and unlikeably malicious mother (We buried a set of teeth.) In MUSIC, you'll see Jeff, Bill, Larry, and guest star Drew Carey take part in singing songs for the audience. In PARTYING, you'll see Jeff Foxworthy demonstrate the Mardi Gras (whooooo!!!!!) as well as see Hank Williams Jr. come to a family's dinner (ARE YOU READY FOR SOME DINNAH!!!) In GETTING SICK, you'll see Larry the Cable Guy get bitten by a spider in a Spider Man parody. In HALOWEEN you'll see the Tacketts make their returning debut and give chocolate laxatives to the trick-or-treaters.
In addition, you'll also get an 11-minute behind the scenes documentary on how the show was made.
So, enjoy all you Rednecks! And GIT-R-DONE!!!!"
What "The Man Show" should have been.
G. G. Decker | Boston, MA | 01/25/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Okay, start with The Man Show. Peel off the giddy, adolescent obsession with naughty-bits, replace the talent with some people who actually have some wit comic timing and you get: Blue Collar TV.
This is the show that The Man Show would have been if the writers of that show understood that men are not perpetually 12 years old. The humor is based largely on laughing at the day-to-day grind of people with typical responsibilities (kids, jobs, family, etc), as well as the occasional scatalogical reference. (Whaddya want from them? Farts are funny.) Occasionally, they'll throw out a curve ball that's so wildly over the top that you might forget that it's funny on it's own merits.
The show manages to be unsophisticated without being crass-- a hard balance to strike these days. It pokes fun, but it never crosses the line into sheer malice (or, at least, not often) The talent is very helpful in making the show work. So much of the humor is self-deprecatory that nobody else could do it without coming across as mean spirited or cynical.
Another thing you'll notice about the show is that it doesn't suffer from an affliction that curses so many other comedy shows of this sort: None of the skits run too long. The writing is quick and surgical-- it gets in, makes the joke, and fades out for the next routine. Nothing overstays its welcome. The writers understand that if it's funny once, it's not necessarily funny another fifty times in a row. And for that, I'm thankful.
The added benefit of what I just mentioned is that stuff that isn't particularly funny doesn't last too long, so you're not stuck watching an ill-conceived "joke" fail to be funny for more than a few minutes.
Not that there are many of those on this show. Considering it's only half a season, there are quite a few episodes and not that many comedic missteps. Even the least-funny numbers elicit a chuckle at minimum. This kind of consistency is rare, and appreciated.
I like this show a great deal. Which means that it probably won't last another season. Grab this DVD while you can. It's just a good natured good time."
Alexander The Great | Michigan | 08/25/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Blue Collar TV is the best show on right now along with Smallville in my opinion. Jeff, Bill and Larry deliver the comedy in this 2 Disc set. Its a must own to any Blue Collar fans."
G. Brewer | 08/09/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"According to an article on The first season will be released as Volume One which will carry the first 13 episodes of this classic comedy show. The release date as the article goes on to say is scheduled for November 8."