Very nice Korean horror film.
Puzzle box | Kuwait | 07/30/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Through the past couple of years the Korean film industry have made a couple of amazing films and have been more recognized with mainstream audiences. The good thing about Bloody Reunion is that it tells an original storyline instead of being yet another Ringu or Ju-on rippoff I think that the female ghost with long black hair has been done a million times before so its refreshing to see something different. Bloody reunion is a full blooded slasher film, a group of South Korean former class mates are invited to a reunion in a nice cottage located in the countryside. They meet one of their old teachers who is now in a wheelchair however tension and resentment within the group start to surface as the evening progresses and before long a mysterious figure wearing a rabbit mask starts violently killing the group one by one, there were a few nasty looking torture scenes as well as the deaths being very gruesome one character is forced to eat razor blades which is not like the typical supernatural horror film from Asia and the plot was very clever you wouldn't figure out the twist at the end and it was fairly interesting at its subject matter, I think it was about the value of friendship so its also a psychological thriller/drama. We soon find out what psychological damage the bad teacher has inflicted on her students even though some scenes were a bit melodramatic the film was terrific and very compelling to watch, the film was also visually stunning and nicely shot. I was very impressed with this film even though its not perfect the film was very good, if you liked Bloody Reunion then I highly recommend these other Korean horror films Tale of two sisters, Phone (A ringu rippoff but still good), The doll master, Into the mirror and Tell me something."
80's style slasher with a Korean twist..
MattW | Seattle, WA USA | 03/11/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"To sum it up, not too bad for what it is. The film has no pretensions; there are no veneers or splashes of high art to be found. Basically an amalgamation of 80's slashers, expect everything but the kitchen sink, gaping plot holes, and plenty of blood. The story itself is borderline ridiculous and entirely unbelievable while the characters are one dimensional and generally uninteresting. Having said this, the execution is well done, some of the scenes quite startling, and there is sufficient bloodshed to meet's one's deranged expectations. The acting, though hystrionic at times, is uniformly impressive. The film doesn't tread any new territory, but sometimes, while sitting with the lights dimmed low and curled up on the couch, it's reassuring to know what's coming around the corner.
Another very good horror/slasher flick
(i dont need no stinkin pen name!) | im over there | 04/24/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"that hollywood will eventually muck up.what the asians are able to do that eludes us westerners is a good mix of charactor developement and action.gollywood either over does the yapping get-to-know-you garbage (see hostel) or senseless action (too many to point out.take your pick).
while most of the horror movies from the east are ghost stories (mildly eerie,for me at least.ive long grown tired of malnuturished kids posing creepily.if creepy kid comes near you,kick it.and ghosts are ''shocking'' for a second,then you realise they cant hurt you.similar to the original mummy.a slow moving 1 arm fire hazzard limping his way over to choke someone slower than him).
i bloody reunion;theres plot,tension,believability,and most of all,horror.a one time student cares for her grade school teacher whos become ill and confined to a wheel chair.she decides to call her exclassmates for a reunion to cheer her first it does the trick.hugs and kisses abound.
of course theres bitter feelings to go with fond recollections and in the end,the bitterness prevails.all sorts of mayhem take place leaving you wondering who the heck is holding such a grudge.
whats missing is the trendy soundtrack and idiotic plastic people aka addition by subtraction.this is definitely worth buying even if you hate subtitles."
Robert F. Powers | Quincy, Ma USA | 04/18/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Finally, an Asian horror film that does not feature a pasty-faced, black-ring-eyed child lurking at the bottom of a well or slinking through a crawlspace. Six of Mrs Parks ex-students are invited by her caregiver to Mrs Parks secluded home to cheer up the sickly wheelchair bound woman. Turns out Mrs Parks is not a candidate for a "Golden Apple" award and she has in one way or another ruined the lives of the 6 students. And Mrs Parks is not a candidate for mother of the year either. She gave birth to a facially deformed son whom she keeps locked in the cellar wearing a crude, paper bunny mask. When Mr Parks went to see the child in the hospital he just goes home and hangs himself.
The backyard party soon goes awry with truths revealed, resentments toward Mrs Parks and among the guests is a former student a very shy young man the others ridiculed but seemed to be teachers pet. But this is a horror movie and soon the group separates and one by one they are murdered by someone wearing a crudely painted bunny mask.
The only survivors of the bloodbath is the caregiver and Mrs Parks, in fact the entire movie is told to the police by the caregiver. LIAR! LIAR! PANTS ON FIRE. (Any more detail than that would be a spoiler)
The movie has its share of gore and gross like eyelids stapled OPEN.Ants fed into someones ear, and a mouthful of razor blades chased down by some tea. It seems the South Koreans are like the Brits--they'll swallow anything with tea.LOL
The movie is pretty good as long as you don't mind squinting, reading the sub-titles and being duped into accepting a character who doesn't exist. LIAR! LIAR! PANTS ON FIRE."