Kung Fu expert Jean-Claude Van Damme plays a martial arts master who arrives in Hong Kong to compete in the Kumite, a violent championship fighting contest.
Kimberly B. (TheBookHunter) from SALEM, OH Reviewed on 3/5/2009...
I loved this movie. its funny to see it now since it is from the 80's. still enjoyable
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Movie Reviews
A Guilty Pleasure Movie
K. Palmer | Illinois | 11/10/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I'm not a fan of martial arts movies. I'm not a fan of Jean-Claude Van Damme. But if I see this movie playing on one of my cable channels, put a fork in me, because I'm cooked for the next 90 minutes.After 30 minutes of attempted plot development, "Bloodsport" really gets going with some of the finest one-on-one fights I have seen as the Kumite competition begins. There are different fighters with all different types of styles, from brute strength, unorthodox defense methods such as hoping around like a kangaroo, and Van Damme's martial arts style. The Kumite makes up most of the remaining 60 minutes of the movie and is riveting.Van Damme can't act to save his life (and I get a kick - no pun intended - out of his American accent), but he puts on a good show here. That's because he doesn't have much dialogue. Bolo Yeung, who plays arch-nemesis Chong Li is ripped and very convincing as the villian. Donald Gibb (Ogre from the "Revenge of the Nerds" movies) plays Van Damme's fellow Kumite participant who gets his clock cleaned by Chong Li, causing Van Damme an extra incentive for revenge.It's cheesy, it's silly, it's poorly acted, but it is a lot of fun. A must!"
Bloodsport - never gets old!
Kenneth Leung | 12/09/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"You all know the storyline. It's kinda cheesy and cliche by today's standards, but still... I've been watching this movie since I was a little boy and to this day I never get tired of it! Like someone else said... if this movie is on TV, there is NO WAY I'm not going to finish watching it. The whole thing just never gets old! Wow... for a movie made in 1988, it's still shown over and over again on cable television. That says something about how popular this movie is. It's by far the best Van Damme movie there is. And as a young impressionable boy, this movie is what got me interested in martial arts. I would stand in front of the TV watching this movie while trying to imitate all the moves I saw. Needless to say, I was the best fighter in first grade and performed many punches to kids' groins and spinning kicks to their faces while also breaking necks Chong Li style (ok im just kidding... but it does raise the issue of TV violence and its influence on children, doesn't it?) Anyways, good classic fight scenes that are also realistic (i.e. no wires, just man-to-man fighting). While in a real fight you would never perform the flying spin kicks nor would you take your sweet time walking up to your opponent and kicking him in the face as if he was too slow to react, the fight scenes are definitely entertaining and will put you into a hypnotic trance that will render you speechless and cause drool to drip out of your mouth (ok maybe not). Another thing I like about the movie is the movie soundtrack, i.e. the background music that's playing whenever there's a fight. Gets me pumped up and ready to go spin-kick someone at a gas station... then we start our own kumite in the back alley! Anyways, hope you enjoyed reading my review, because I enjoyed rambling during my review :D"
Way past due on DVD
Eric V. Moye | New York, by way of Dallas | 11/18/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"A great martial arts flick As noted, this movie was JeanClaude Van Damme's first starring role, and for my money one of his two best films. He portrays Frank Dux, an American champion of the Kunite, which was/is a full contact, anything goes martial arts competition.The movie introduces us to Van Damme's incredible martial arts ability. The story line is simple and unremarkable but effective. Van Damme participates in the Kumite against the wishes of the government which trained him. The cast is certainly unremarkable, led by Bolo Yueng, first(?) seen in "Enter the Dragon", playing Chong Li, the film's key villain and kumite champ.What makes the film, though for martial artists (and fans) is the incredible range of fighting techniques seen through the film. Some of them are great, some comical. But there is a ton of action (much of it predictably brutal). But for fans of the genre, it is highly recommended."
Enter The Bolo
W. N. Stape | Bayonne, NJ USA | 08/10/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Van Damme's best martial arts movie - heck perhaps best movie ever, considering his others were lousy except for Timecop and In Hell. Bloodsport can arguably be ranked right behind Enter The Drgaon as a true fight classic. In fact, in many ways, Bloodsport not only gets inspiration from Bruce Lee's masterpiece, but by finally seeing the massive baddie Bolo fight a worthy opponent, it does it one better.
One of the most incredible visuals and kinetically amazing cast members of Enter The Dragon was Bolo Yeung. Never actually classically trained as a martial artist, Bolo was a Chinese bodybuilder - sort of China's Schwarzenegger. He was bigger than life, bigger than Bruce, bigger than anybody he shared the screen with, yet when the credits rolled, he had only broken the necks of a few lame bodyguards and had fought Roper, played by John Saxon. Now, Saxon is a fine actor and a pretty good martial artist, however he's no Bruce Lee. The confrontation everyone was waiting for in Enter The Dragon never happened, until that is Bloodsport came along.
Now, yes, Van Damme isn't Bruce Lee. There are many who would say he couldn't hold Bruce Lee's jockstrap. But in his muscular prime his lightning fast style has beyond most come close to Lee's high kicking, hard punching brand of film fighting. So when Chong Li severely injures Frank Dux's big buddy Ray Jackson, you know Frank's gonnna get revenge and we're gonna get the fight we never got but wanted to see in Enter The Dragon.
Certainly there are many other good things about this movie. The acting is always decent, Forest Whitaker plays an FBI agent in an early role and even Van Damme is relaxed, confident and comes off better than most any other role. However when all is said and done, Bloodsport works on a purely adrenalin pumped level of martial arts action that is unmatched - save for Enter The Dragon. So, when the credits roll this time, we're satisfied that someone as incredible as Bolo has been used to full measure and the [...] kicking we longed for is the high point of this movie - visually and emotionally.
A Classic in Every Way
Sinthetik Devil | Garden Grove, CA | 07/23/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Bloodsport is a true martial arts classic. Any serious martial arts movie fan has seen this film at least once. I was 7 years old when it came out in theaters, and when I watch it today I get that nostalgic feeling that I love. The movie has a dash of everything: action, comedy, romance, and memorable one-liners...typical of 80's films. The movie just oozes 80's. First of all, the music is AWESOME. Songs like "Fight to Survive" and "On My Own Alone" go down as true 80's classics. I love the scene where Van Damme is playing Karate Champ...a game that has been extinct longer than the dinosaurs. The scenery and backdrop of the movie is great. You really get that "Hong Kong" feeling when watching this movie, and I love the scenes filmed within the dark, narrow corridors. The fight scenes are decently choreographed, and some of the fighters are pretty cool, especially Paco, the dirty kickboxer. Of course he is nothing compared to Chong Li, the main villain. He beats heads AND flexes his pecs. Bottom line...if you watch this movie with a light heart you will enjoy it. Just don't expect anything too serious and it is entertaining as hell. I had been waiting for this DVD release for a long time, and I recommend it."