Robbi C. (silverscreensilent22) from WEBSTER GRVS, MO
Reviewed on 9/30/2018...
So, radioactive raccoons hopped up on crack are committing gruesome murders in the Bronx neighborhood of New York. What's not to like about this schlocky film? Plenty.
The action scenes are so bad they're funny: the monsters consist of a guy in a raccoon costume and some animated stuffed animals outfitted with sharp teeth, along with a few computer-generated effects. Some laughs there, but there's an hour and a half of dialogue, half-baked subplots and eccentric residents crammed in as well, played by actors and actresses ranging from terrible to tolerable. I'm not proud to say I was faced with a mutiny by my normally tolerant husband, and was forced to navigate parts of this with the fast-forward button on the remote.
This film had such potential for fun viewing, it would have seemed. Alas, it doesn't even come close to the level of a Frogs or a Zombeavers or even the Gingerdead Man.
2 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
James W. (jt4pres) from WELLS, ME
Reviewed on 9/21/2018...
A group of raccoons get addicted to some radioactive crack and all hell breaks loose. The Krackoons become thirsty for the blood of any wrongdoers in the neighborhood, including a local mob boss and his associates. Can anyone survive the week or will the drugged out trash pandas' trail of blood swallow the entire city? Find out in this very low budget, independent horror flick.
.5/5 Stars. THIS WAS SO BAD. Most of the time it's difficult to know what is going on or why. The 'gore' and effects were bad, even for a low budget movie, but the worst part of this was the acting. I thought this could be one of those so-bad-it's-good movies, but it fell way short of even coming close.
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.