It's Got Heart, Spunk, and Mitzi Gaynor. Ain't We Got Fun? Y
Brent Rohde | United States of America | 09/20/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you're asking yourself "What the hell is BLOODHOUNDS OF BROADWAY?", I'll tell you: it is one hell of an entertaining movie musical. Inspired by the stories of Damon Runyon---as was "Guys and Dolls" (1955)--this 1952 Fox film stars Miss Mitzi Gaynor as backwoods-belle-gone-Broadway "Emily Ann Stackerlee." Southern-drawlin' Mitzi impresses a cynical, tough-talking set of New Yorkers with her unassuming charm, her spectacular song-and-dance talent, and her, um, bloodhounds. She ends up falling for one of the toughs; will he return her affection?
A Technicolor gem, BLOODHOUNDS enjoys: fine production values, fun songs ("Cindy," "I've Got a Feelin' You're Foolin'", "Eighty Miles Outside of Atlanta", "Jack of Diamonds", etc.), outstanding choreography by Robert Sidney, and a well-written screenplay winningly performed (and filmed).
Does it sound worth checking out? IT IS.
A buried treasure no more, BLOODHOUNDS OF BROADWAY is an example of American film musical entertainment at its best. It is also an eloquent early example of Mitzi Gaynor's brilliance as an entertainer--one of America's best.
Apparently this DVD release will include as a special feature an on-camera interview with Miss Gaynor."
Mitzi...a new fan.
Ahantrobus | England | 01/26/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am a big film fan and especially of films of the fifties (my era) but I never knew of this film. When I learned of it I bought it straight away and what an excellent film it turns out to be. The young Mitzi Gaynor is such a star.Highly talented in all aspects -acting, singing and especially dancing. After this revelation I must see Golden Girl. Which I saw when I was about twelve and I remember being impressed then.I just hope that it is brought out in as good a version as this DVD. I was impressed also with Scott Brady - as it seems was Mitzi Gaynor in the extra interview.He comes over very stylishly and is another revelation. A very good understated (In the best possible way) performance. A fifties film experience that is a total pleasure."
Great musical
true crime reader | 01/03/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"this is a great musical from the time when movies were good. I saw it when it first came out & never forget about it. It is now on DVD & I am very pleased & bought it as soon as I found it."
Paul Hawker | Sydney Australia | 02/14/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"The 20th Century Fox musicals for this era were,in my opinion, not as good as MGM products.
I found this film to be bright, colourful but boring with only 2 reasonably good songs/dances."