A three-part anthology film about lycanthropy...one gothic, one urban, and one with a science-fiction twist. These are not your father?s werewolves! Color
Running Time: 81 min.
"I purchased the dvd of 'Blood Of The Werewolf' because I recently got totally immersed in werewolf films due to the recent film, 'Underworld.' However, please note that 'Blood...' is something to view only if you are a complete fan of werewolf films and will see any and every one you can, heaven forbid attempt to own every one, especially this one.Warning, this film is very poorly done. It is filmed in three 'short story' sections, each done with handheld old fashioned vhs camera recorders, which means the sound is ridiculous and the lighting is non-existent. They're not trying to be artistic in a 'Blair Witch' respect, they're just not professionals. Basically, avoid this and don't waste your time or money unless you are a total werewolf movie buff. There, I've said it again, and in my second paragraph.Three short films: "Blood Reunion" about some dude (obviously gay) who returns to the hick town he grew up in to find the girl he once loved who is sheltered by a domineering grandmother because of a family 'curse.' "Old Blood," is about a lesbian couple who fight about the one being a werewolf and not wanting to be and the other who wants to be a werewolf but doesn't know what she's getting into. "Manbeast," is a bunch of guys in combat uniforms running around the woods chasing another guy in military fatigues for some reason which we get explained in a twist ending.There are two main things that make this film crappy. Firstly, the special effects are sooooooo amateur. We're talking werewolf masks. That's it. Just masks. You know, the kind you can get at Halloween USA each year in October. It's not bad enough the stories are not executed in any form. It's like, "Oh! I have a really cool idea for a movie, guys! We'll deal with hereditary werewolf's, throw in some lesbians, get some awesome 80's hair rocker cover band to do some tunes, and get a dvd duplication company to ship it out to stores!" I guess that explains why it costs so little to purchase. It is worth it's price. Ok, secondly, the acting is really bad. I know we've all seen bad acting, but this is high school level bad acting. I can't imagine any of these people actually being in a feature film except as an extra perhaps and even then, they'd need an agent, right?What IS good about this film? Well, maybe only the tiny bit of information about lycanthropy which is relayed. Granted, it's all just mush mush the writers have put together from other films. If you know absolutely nothing about werewolves this would give you some idea, but really now, there are many more real films that get it all done much more professionally. This movie tries to convey a complexity that isn't there and never makes us care for or understand any of the characters. We can't really because it's so bad it's not even pretentious, which could draw the viewer in on a camp level. And geesh, does everyone have to be so darn unattractive?I watched this in pain because I felt it was my duty to do so and warn everyone curious about owning this film to not do so unless you hear voices in your head telling you to own every werewolf movie you can. You could rent it if it's even available, but I doubt it since it is rather low end on the pole, and see for yourself. You may be so inspired by the stupidity you witness you will go out with your digital camera and make your own movie, which would be certainly better than this boring trash."
Just plain bad
Loves a good werewolf film | Los Angeles, CA United States | 01/20/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this thinking it might be interesting and it boggles my mind how I could be so wrong. It's not even good bad-- it's just bad bad. It's the worst kind of home movie you could ever watch. EVERYTHING about this film sucks-- 'nuff said, watch at your own risk."
The wrost of the wrost.
David | Mexico | 04/18/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I bought a DVD and find that was the wrost of the wrost. If you want a good horror movie this isn't a option. This dvd sucks. If you can avoid even see this dvd will be good for you."
Terrible Homemade Film
Count Alucard | 09/26/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Really bad shot on video "film" made by not one, not two, but three amateur videomakers. If you're going to make a bad horror film at least throw in some blood, gore and nudity. There is some blood provided by latex cut off arm props bought at a Halloween store. There are lesbians and hookers but no nudity or sex. The lesbians spend a lot of time in bed but only talking. There seems to be no editing effects- fades, wipes etc. Once in a while a bit of black appears to seperate scenes.Terrible music by bad heavy metal bands whose websites take up the majorty of the end credits.The werewolves are represented by rubber masks that are attached to just the "actors" face. They didn't even bother to apply brown makeup to their necks, arms or wrists.I guarentee a 10 year old with a video camera could put together a better movie.No reason at all to buy, rent or watch this film except as an example of how not to make a low budget video."
In The Underworld of Independant Filmmakers
Edward A. Dimmer | Albany, New York United States | 08/29/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Brimestone Productions 'Blood of The Werewolf' doesn't pretend to be one of those thirty
million dollar Hollywood glossy films that's been seen hundreds of times regurgitated
under differant titles with the same character driven plot lines.
'Blood of The Werewolf' is dark / gritty truth and legend stories one might have read about
in tabloid newspapers of the sixties and seventies. No one really believed those stories
..... but ...... damned if they didn't keep reading those stories right to the end thinking that
there might be some truth to it. And there was. The author had been where no one else
had ever seen - it was true !
Filmmakers Kevin Lindenmuth and Joe Bagnardi have caught some of that feeling in this
first collabation of short stories about vampires - werewolves that still survive in corrupt
Chicago ...New York City .... San Francisco concrete jungle streets of night no one dares to
walk. Indeed - the film was shot on an extremely low budget. It's grainy at times - but -
that's what gives this film that sense of horror reality that the old pulp newspapers had.
- It's not real - is it ? -
what was that film everyone went nuts over four or five years ago ?
camera swinging wildly and always out of focus
'The Blair Witch Project'
- now - ?
that was trash with little or no substance - no creativity
Blood of The Werewolf
takes you to places and people you really should know about
before they come to get U in your dreams
- a must see inventive horroe film trilogy - !
For one to truly enjoy independant films like 'Blood of The Werewolf' - 'Shadow Tracker -
Vampire Hunter' - 'Vampyre' - 'Edge of Reality' - 'Tempress' it's well worth the effort to pick
up any number of books / articles written by or about these filmmakers .
Just knowing their history - dedication - love of films - all the productions that they've shot
collectively - that will never find the light of day will bring new light - appreciation / enjoyment