Reviewed on 7/28/2024...
Decent but not great!
Susan E. H. (Bookmom) from DURHAM, NC
Reviewed on 12/16/2013...
I disagree with the reviewer who detests this movie. Although there are some side plots that could've been developed more fully--JS' therapy for instance, and the reason for it, you don't get too stuck on that with everything else going on in the movie. His friend and cop recovering from drug habit is not very developed either, but you get the jist enough to follow. The ending is awesome and makes up for any mid-movie flaws. I think the point of the homosexual Inspector is a sort of commentary of how a cops' sexuality or preference is seen by the other SE England cops, and not altogether "unnecessary", as other reviewer put it. In the end, JS' character comes to respect this man on his own merits, and is able to somewhat overlook his own prejudices for the sake of finding the killer and attaining justice for the fallen cops.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Deborah D. (pmdeborah) from YORK, PA
Reviewed on 5/27/2012...
This move seems to go no where. There is a subplot with a female police officer that seems to be a plot from some other movie that somehow got placed in this move. Porter Nash is a gay police officer, and, again, this seems to be pointless. It is only mentioned maybe three or four times and has no relevance to the story line. The movie would have been exactly the same if he were straight and not gay. Actually it felt like if he were not in the movie the story would have almost been the same because he was in the movie so little and his character contributed so little. It is a shame because he was played by a good actor. Jason Stratham, who I like his movies, is just over the top out of control. I know that the audience must suspend some belief but it is just too much.
It is hard to figure out the relationship of some characters to Jason Stratham's. I was paying attention but there is a guy with long blonde hair and I can't figure out who he is; maybe an informant Stratham has worked with in the past? This is just one example.
Overall, I would skip this movie and watch some other suspense/crime movie.
3 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.