(1 out of 5 stars)
"sup? Im a huge blink 182 fan and i saw their concert at edgefest and it was sick an awesome canadian fest with blink 182,sum 41 and New found glory. When i found this piece of crap lying around in the store, like the brainless dumbass that i am, i decided to buy a piece of $hit like this. It does not have any music videos or music(not even in the backround by Blink 182). In my opinion, 2 words SUCKS BALL$!!!!!!!!. I swear the whole time theyre tallking to people to no one related to blink,british people,indians, sk8ers, blink is on for only 10 minutes and they talk about birds. I swear the only thing to do with this worthless craphole is to buy many copies and have a pyro-fest. GO AHEAD AND BURN THESE DAMN HOMOLIKE-DVDS. WORST MOVIE EVER, IT MIGHT AFFECT YOUR DVD PLAYER IF YOU PUT IT IN, IT WILL BE A VIRUS TO YOUR DVD. WHAT BULL CRAP,NOTHING GOOD IF I COULD RATE THIS STUPID MORONIC MOVIE ON A SCALE OF 1-10,1 BEING THE WORST I WOULD GIVE -89000.24 I SWEAR IT IS SO BAD I WOULD RATHER SUPPORT MALE SODOMIZERS OF MEN AND THEN KILL MY SELF THAN WATCH 1 MINUTE OF THIS HORRIBLE STUPID SHI! MOVIE. I WOULD RATHER EAT YOUR MOM'S CRAP THAN WATCH IT. I HATED IT SO MUCH AND AMAZON PLEASE TAKE ALL UR COPIES AND DESTROY THEM ANYWAY POSSIBLE. THIS MOVIE WILL RUIN UR WHOLE LIFE AND WILL TRY TO POISON YOU WITH HORIBBLE MOVIE ACTING AND DIRECTING.DO NOT BUY THIS DVD IF ANYTHING.URETHRA CHRONICLES RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BUY IT IF U DO NOT THE MOB WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU"
This is horrible
angelskater100 | Encinitas, CA USA | 01/07/2001
(1 out of 5 stars)
"OK, I am a really big blink fan. I have been ever since Enema of the State came out but when I got this video for christmas a couple days after I got it I watched it and found out this video was horrible. I watched the first five minutes of it and then I just had to turn it off.First of all it had on it was all this junk about Porno stars and everything. I think the only relation to blink 182 this would have is their name on the video and that Janine from their album cover used to be a Porn star. This movie is horrible and I think if Mark, Tom, or Travis saw this they might find it a tad bit funny but might be annoyed by the fact that their name is on it and it has barely anything about them on it. This is a horrible video and I would not recommend buying at whatever age you may be."
Blink 182 Probed
Rania Gollakner | 07/23/2000
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This video is not that good. It has no music, it has nothing to do with Blink 182, and it's not funny at all. I recommend you get their other video Urethra Chronicles cause that video is histaricle. This video was poorly made and seriously not worth your time or money."
Worst video ever
Rania Gollakner | Gainesville, Florida United States | 12/19/2001
(1 out of 5 stars)
"First of all, the members of Blink 182 are barely in the video. Second of all, the people on the video are so far removed from Blink 182. For example, they interview a porn star who acted with Janine, the porn star on the cover of Blink 182's album "Enema of the State". She's never even met the members of Blink! She talks about Janine! Who cares? Third of all, the video looks like it was made in someone's garage. If you want a video about Blink 182, this isn't the video for you."