Left for dead in the remote Southwest, Frank (Val Kilmer) is found clinging to life and in a state of amnesia. As he recovers from the bullet wounds, ominous memories begin to flash back ? offering clues that point to an ... more »impending Presidential assassination.« less
Jennifer D. (jennicat) from ST AUGUSTINE, FL Reviewed on 12/19/2014...
Just couldn't get into it.
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Movie Reviews
Rewarding Mental Workout
L. Shirley | fountain valley, ca United States | 02/26/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This review refers to "Blind Horizon" Widescreen DVD Edition(Lions Gate)...
"Blind Horizon" is not a film you will want to view if you are in the mood to just veg out and be only entertained.I would also say that if you like your films formulized or predictable, again, you should probably skip this one. On the other hand, if you are in the mood for something that sets itself apart from the rest, one that will give you a rewarding mental workout, and leaves you stunned at both the outcome and the visual arts, "Blind Horizon" will fulfill your needs!
A man is found in a small town in New Mexico left for dead. Shot in the head, lying in his own blood and comatose. Finally awakened by the sweet voice of his nurse, and the familiar smell of cigarette smoke. The sheriff and his deputy are on the case. They have questions galore. Who tried to commit murder in their little town and why? Who is the victim? But, they'll have to wait for the answers(as does the viewer), as the victim is an amnesiac.
Bits and pieces start coming back to him. He feels he knows something that is dangerous. A plot to assassinate the President of the United States. He doesn't have all the pieces to the puzzle yet, but he must warn the Secret Service so they may prevent this disaster. His Doctor says, the mind plays tricks after a trauma like this. He is probably remembering some book he read, or movie he saw.What could the President have to do with this little border town? Or maybe he is just plain out of his mind. Only the Sheriff considers the possibility he may be right.
As the Sheriff investigates, he and the audience as well, are met with a slew of twists and turns, unsavory characters and questions to ponder. And like the Sheriff, every time we think we have the answer, we are proved wrong as we weave through the maze of flashbacks and evidence.
The filming of this mystery/thriller is extraordinary. The flashbacks and the present are well separated by the use of colors. Like the amnesia victim, we are only giving bits of flashbacks at a time, each time a little more is added to the puzzle. The cast is amazing in their roles, never giving anything away. It stars Val Kilmer, Neve Campbell, Sam Shepard and Amy Smart. Faye Dunaway also gets top billing, but I felt she wasn't part of the story nearly enough. Noble Willingham, and Giancarlo Esposito add their marvelous talents as well. There was not a frame, where I wanted to pause to get up for a snack or anything. I had many questions during the film, MOST were answered by the final frame, there were a couple I'm still trying to work out. Without giving anything away, I just say it had to do with character motivation. Hmmmm...maybe another view will help!
Lion's Gate as usual has done a wonderful transfer to DVD. The widescreen presentation, lets you take in the entire story. Colors, which are used very well in this film, were excellent, and the sound in 5.1 Dolby(also has a 2.0 Stereo option)was totally surrounding, each noise distinguishable. A feature entitle "Cutting Room - The Inside Perspective", with commentary from the editing crew, was enlightening as to why the film was put together the way it was(faster moving then origianlly planned), but it also made me wonder who was running the show? Someday, I would be interested to see a Director's(Micheal Haussman) cut of this film and compare it to this final cut.
So..if you like film that makes you work a little, say like something along the lines of "Vanilla Sky", and a film that begs to be talked about with others that have viewed it, have a look at "Blind Horizon". Oh Yeah...Remember to pop that popcorn before you get involved with this thriller!
Val Kilmer fans may want to have a look at his very early work in:
Nifty Little Thriller, Better Than You'd Think!
Benjamin J Burgraff | Las Vegas | 10/11/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
""Blind Horizon", an amnesia action/mystery with some 'big name' stars, went straight to DVD without ever being theatrically released, so many have 'written it off' as a lousy film; but if you give it a chance, this is actually a very entertaining little gem!
Directed by Michael Haussman, the distributor, Lion's Gate, dissatisfied with the rambling 'director's cut', brought in ace film editor Alain Jakubowicz to punch up the film, and his re-cut gives the movie an edgy, fast-paced 'look', reminiscent of Christopher Nolan's "Memento", especially in the central portrayal of Val Kilmer's "Frank Kavanaugh". A likable 'lost soul', shot and left to die in the desert, who knows vague details of a plot to assassinate the President, he gradually discovers he is not a 'nice' person, and is, in fact, a key player in the high-level conspiracy. But as with Harrison Ford, in "Regarding Henry", his amnesia offers him an opportunity to 'change' his whole persona...if he can survive the attempts to silence him, and conquer his own instincts as a 'hit man'.
Blessed with a first-rate cast, "Blind Horizon" offers many intriguing supporting portrayals, from a likable local sheriff (Sam Shepard), and his politically ambitious deputy (Noble Willingham), to the mysterious 'fiance' (Neve Campbell) Kavanaugh can't seem to remember, and the beautiful nurse (Amy Smart), he'd LIKE to know better, to a mysterious 'contact' (Faye Dunaway), who drifts in and out of his dreams, with missing pieces of the puzzle. Kilmer is, as always, eminently watchable, capturing both the innocent and unsavory sides of Kavanaugh very effectively, and making his climactic actions worth waiting for.
Of special note is the film score, written by the collective group of composers, Machine Head. Working with non-traditional instruments, the 'sound' is both musical and mysterious, and ideally suits the film's ambiguity.
"Blind Horizon" certainly deserves a look, as a film far better than it's ill-fated history would indicate. I enjoyed it, and I think you will, too!"
A real puzzle to solve
Ingrid Engelhardt | 11/01/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Blind Horizon
I bought "Blind Horizon" on DVD because Val Kilmer is one of my favorite actors.
Val Kilmer gives a great performance, as Frank, who suffers from amnesia after being shot. Not knowing anymore who you are must be really frightening. But the character he is playing is not the most likeable, so I couldn't really be sympathetic. There are no scenes that touch on human emotions, like in "Heat" or "Thunderheart", my two favorite Val Kilmer movies.
What makes the movie interesting and entertaining is its complicated plot, the many flash backs, twists and turns, the many questions it raises from the beginning on. I have to admit I needed a second viewing to finally understand most of it, to figure out all the connections between the different groups of people and the parts they are playing. Some questions may still be left open. This movie will keep you busy trying to put the puzzle together until the end.
There is also included the obligatory love story between Frank and Liz, the nurse, which is nice but for my taste this connection was not developed in a natural way, which makes it look a bit unbelievable. There is not a single scene where the two get closer, have some serious talk before she flings her arms around his neck and asks him to come with her.
There are a few more scenes that are quite unbelievable and strange. Like when Frank gets shot at the beginning of the movie he jumps from a fairly high cliff. Nobody can survive such a fall without any broken bones.
For my taste there is also too much smoking in this movie, quite inappropriate smoking, like when the nurse (Liz) smokes next to the patient (Frank), who is connected to oxygen and then barely puts out her cigarette in the chamber pot and leaves it there smoldering.
Later Frank tries to drink and smoke back his memory.
Anyway I recommend this movie to anybody who likes a complicated plot and do some serious thinking.
Another interesting movie with a quite complicated plot is "Mindhunters", which I enjoyed watching a lot.
Intriguing movie about the choices we make
Geminiguy | Bloomington, IN | 05/23/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Choice. In the end, that is what this film comes down to. It is the ultimate moment in the climax when the choice is made... and... well, you'll have to watch it yourself to discover the 'next' part.
Val Kilmer play a great role, weaving in out from amnesia as well as sounding a bit slow on the uptake. When he becomes insistant that his attack has something to do with an upcomming presidential assination attempt, pieces of the puzzle begin to drop. Enter Neve Cambell, his fiancee although he does not remember her. She tries various things from pictures to talking to coax herself back into his memory but nothing seems to work. Not when he is focused on conspiracy.
Or the beatiful nurse... Amy Smart, who has taken a liking to him.
With several people involved in this smart thriller, the stakes are high. Yet, the suspense is what makes this movie the keeper. There isn't any real explosive action or violence. This film is more plot driven and relies on some character development to propel the action.
When the end approaches, it becomes clear who is who, and who everybody thought everyone else was is not as predicatable. With a stunning performance by Cambell, this film offers up really good jobs put in by an A and B list of actors.
While not so Blind to the viewer, Blind Horizon offers some thrilling insights into the confusion of the human mind."