Enter Zaraki
E. A Solinas | MD USA | 01/23/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Nothing kills a great series' momentum like a fluffy filler episode in the middle of a great, action-packed arc.
That's the primary problem with the ninth volume of "Bleach," which starts off with a goofy little episode involving Ichigo's little sisters. Fortunately, it doesn't take long for the attention to shift back to our heroes -- with a murder, a madman, and other fun developments in the soul Society.
Karin and Yuzu happen to encounter Don Kanonji, a goofy TV spiritualist whom Ichigo sort-of-befriended in the first season. Since he's not around Don Kanonji makes Karin and Yuzu -- along with Urahara's weird little assistants Jinta and Ururu -- his new "bad spirit" fighting team. And he needs it, because Karin's new cat seems to have a magnetic attraction for hollows...
Granted, it's not a terrible episode. It's fairly amusing, but placed right at the climax of a bloodspattered major fight, it's... distracting. Kinda frustrating too.
Anyway, back in the Soul Society, Renji is found by his friends, while Ichigo, Ganju and Hanataro flee into the sewers. While both combatants heal, they're blithely unaware of a new and horrible development -- young Lieutenant Momo Hinamori goes out looking for Captain Aizen, and finds him impaled high on a building. Obviously, this wasn't suicide or an accident.
Overcome with rage and sorrow, Momo turns her sword against the person she had already been warned about -- snakey, creepy Gin Ichimaru. As Soul Reapers turn against each other, Ichigo's little band makes its way toward Rukia's cell. But then they're hit by a staggering spiritual pressure -- and the owner of it is very interested in Ichigo...
The first episode, obviously, is a big shock to anyone who saw the heartrending, bloodstained episode that preceded it -- suddenly instead of Soul Reapers and rescues, we're faced with the flamboyantly obnoxious Don Kanonji and a gang of preteen Hollow-slayers. The whole thing with Yuzu and the cat is rather sweet, but the whole episode is pretty much disposable.
But the following three episodes almost make up for that -- a spiral of tense dialogue and Soul Reaper interaction, climaxing with Aizen's very dramatic, rather acrophobic murder. Then everything tightens to tripwire tautness. And unsurprisingly our heroes are now in even greater danger because they are suspected of murder, although it's pretty obvious none of them did it.
This volume also introduces us to Kenpachi "Kenny" Zaraki, a scarred, spiky-haired, eyepatched giant with big nasty grin and loads of spiritual energy. Turns out he just LOVES fighting, and Ichigo is his dream opponent. He's a pretty fun character, but also kind of scary -- and that little pink-haired girl on his shoulder is even scarier, to be honest.
The regulars don't get as much attention in this volume. But a lot of other Soul Reapers get attention in this -- Hanataro gets to provide some medical care and comic relief, Gin the creepiness, and Momo and Kira get fleshed out considerably right before they go for each other's throats. It's a pretty shocking confrontation, and promises to get even more interesting later.
One mildly amusing, irrelevant episode shatters the main storyline's momentum, but the pivotal murder and the rising fight with Zaraki make this a must-see for Bleach fans."