A blade in the dark/Macabre.
Puzzle box | Kuwait | 04/25/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This double bill from Anchor Bay is excellent both films are from director Lamberto Bava son of director Mario Bava one of the earliest directors who did gialo films and has influinced other directors like Dario Argento and his son Lamberto. A blade in the dark tells the story of a young composer living in a secluded villa to finish work on composing a score for a horror film that his friend has made but soon finds himself caught up in a nightmare of murder and mystery. Lamberto Bava definently shows his talent behind the camera especialy when he sets up the intense scenes like the one where the killer is in the bathroom or the swimming pool scene which is stylishly made and the death scenes were very gory and bloody. If you liked the films of Dario Argento like Tenebrea or Deep red then you should deffinently check out A blade in the dark. Macabre is a different film from Lamberto and is more like a weird and twisted psychological thriller it is also his debut film, a married woman loses her lover who shes been having an affair with in a car crash that happened to decapatate him she is then traumatised by this incident and gets locked up in a mental institute, when she gets released she soon moves out to an appartment in New Orleans. This film has a shock ending but it doesn't quite work because you probably know whats going to happen unless you haven't read the back of the cover but still it was very wierd and entertaining I highly recomend this drive-in double feature from Anchor Bay it was fantastic."
Bacchus | Philadelphia, PA United States | 02/13/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Horror fans have never had it better. As pointed out by another reviewer here, obscure and undiscovered gems are popping up on cool collections like this one, thanks to sharp companies like Anchor Bay.
MACABRO is a twisted little erotic thriller based on an allegedly true story. Bava's first feature as director, it shows off his pedigree as a third generation filmmaker, a worthy heir to the legacy of his wonderfully talented and efficient father, Mario.
Set in New Orleans, the film is handsomely produced and beautifully directed. Bernice Stegers is scintillating as a mourning lover with a hideously perverse secret, spending a good deal of screen time in luscious lingerie. Stanko Molnar is endearing as her gentle, blind landlord, a role almost the opposite of the one he plays in our next film.
A BLADE IN THE DARK is something else altogether. As Lamberto Bava has stated in interviews, he's not really big on slasher movies. That said, this movie should be studied by anyone attempting the genre, because Bava nails it, almost to a T.
Whereas American slashers rely on the "imaginative" variety of ways a victim can be killed, this movie is less imaginative in that area, but much more intense for two reasons. The victims are well-developed and unique characters, done up with the greatest care in regards to their make-up and costuming.
A simple shot of Fabiola Toledo bending over a bathroom sink with her pantie-clad bottom exposed is charged with more eroticism than every t'n'a scene from the Friday 13th series strung together. This might seem a crude point, but sex is part of the survival drive, and its psychological effect is an important ingredient in all of the thriller genres. And while costumers of American slashers all seem to shop at Target or Walmarts to fit their lowly budgets, Italian costumers working on even skimpier budgets manage to procure items which look expensive as well as sensational.
In fact every set, costume, camera move and lighting set-up in a Bava film is first class. Like most Italian movies, the style and intelligence displayed from top to bottom blow away comparable Hollywood films, where the bloated budgets go to overvalued stars and an overwrought, hit-or-miss development process.
The only negative to either of these movies is an abrupt and somewhat predictable ending. But the ride along the way is extremely satisfying, with plenty of eye candy, perfectly executed efx, great music and several spill-your-popcorn scares.
The extras on this DVD are also very well-produced, including one which gives much-deserved credit to SCREENWRITER DARDANO SACCHETTI. Sacchetti had a hand in some of the best Italian horror films of the past three decades, including Fulci's ZOMBIE, DEMONS 1 & 2, CANNIBAL APOCALYPSE, HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY, and dozens more.
Fans of Argento, Fulci and the Bavas need to check out Sacchetti's screen credits to see how important he was to the films they love. Kudos to Anchor Bay for including this tribute to the routinely overlooked screenwriter."
A light in the dark
roob1 | 11/19/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"There is still light in the dark for us,horror fans,because companies like Anchor bay bring us so fantastic DVDs for so fantastic price,and Amazon.com bring it to our homes.This is two horror films from legendary Italian director Lamberto Bava
for the price of one VHS.
Macabro is very slow film,it can goes faster,gorier,but if you have the right taste and time,it is not bad film.But Bava can make it better,like he did on second film on this DVD,classic giallo BLADE IN THE DARK.If you like films like DEEP RED or TENEBRE,and still not have it enough,even in this "bigger and with more and more special effects films" times,dont waste your time and get it."