A formula movie at best
Madelyn Pryor | Mesa, AZ United States | 01/15/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"A best, Blackwater Valley Exorcist is a formula movie, yet another direct to DVD movie riding on the coattails of Exorcist and the Exorcism of Emily Rose. Don't get me wrong, this movie does have its good points and fun moments, but nothing at all spectacular.
It has all the components necessary for a formula exorcism movie: the flawed family, the fallen Priest, the young possessed daughter. It uses all these pieces much the same way so many other movies of its type have. There are a few unexpected elements, such as just how flawed the townspeople really are, and a some love subplots that are slightly irregular, but nothing out of the ordinary to make you take notice. The same is true of the special effects. The standard pale skin, chapped lips, white eyes, and Buffy-the-Vampire-Slayer-vampire make-up are used. Nothing that is scary or new in the special effects.
The worst flaw in this movie is the ending. It looks like the writer didn't know how to end it at all, so they cobbled something together that wouldn't satisfy an English 101 professor. At the end, you're wondering, ok.... So what?
There are better movies out there that deserve your time and money far more than this. If you want an exorcism movie you can't do better than the original Exorcist. If you're bored of that, try Exorcist the Beginning, which for a B movie was pretty good. Emily Rose is so-so, but still a step above Blackwater Valley Exorcism.
Not recommended.
I ate a bunny....
Nathan Christian | Pitcairn, PA USA | 05/13/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This is possibly one of the worst movies ever done. Where to begin with all it's flaws? There are movies that are so poor they are fun and entertaining right down from the dialogue to the acting, then there's the films, like this one, that's a total bomb.
The acting is very poor. The main character, Isabelle, is fairly good, but the rest over act. Especially the father.
There is no character developement. Just suddenly, here is my character, and here in my secret. And eveyone one in this film has a dirty secret.
The writing is very poor. Characters suddenly switch actions in mid sentence. There are logical mistakes galore. At onle point, the demon knocks out the phone line when the priest is calling the bishop. He says to the mother that the phone is dead, he will have to go into town to speak to the bishop, he will call her with the details of the meeting. OK>..if the phone is dead...how? And if he's going to call by cell phone, why not use the cell and call the bishop?
Shawnreeca Tatum | 05/24/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I acutally liked the movie and yes I read all of the other reviews wrtitten about the movie however the point of the story is still true. The movie is similar to that of The Exorcism of Emily Rose, it is a little low budget and maybe the acting and the ending still could of been better. But whether you are chirstian or not, believe in exorcism's or not the point of this story is just how well's one's weakness, strengths and faith are tried and exploited during the time of crisis.
It is interesting how the demon played the entire family not just the girl. It manipulated used everyones weakness, secrets,sins and thoughts againist them, distracted them to the point the didn't trust each other believed things that were untrue and became unfocused on what is really going on.It almost took out the whole family,and let the "fallen" preist(s)know just how unclean their hands and heart really is.
Another thing that one needs to know before you buy or rent the movie is that it is based on true, documented events and written and produced by a church. Keep that in mind while you watch the movie."
neo101 | orange county,usa | 03/18/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Strait to the point.It sucks big time.All the actors in it are totally bad.Such bad performances that it should win at the razzies for worst ensamble cast in a film.Also it should stick around at the ceremony because it will sweep up worst screenplay,director,production,makeup etc etc.Look i know its a low budget production but come on.There`s low budget and then there is no budget.My advise is remake it with good actors and a good director.Have the script worked on by a real writer and find a real producer and then it could have been up there with the excorcist and emily rose.Ps,the guy who played the father and the guy who played the priest should quit acting all together.There is bad acting and then there is no acting.Rediculous."