My Ancestors' Story
Big River | 07/25/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The history of my own ancestors is reflected in this documentary. I descend from a mixed people, often called Melungeons, or Tri-racials: Indian,Black,& White bloodlines. My great great grandfather, D.C. Goings, was Wappoo/Wapoo Indian, a Cusabo People from South Carolina. He is mentioned in a book by Lawrence and Ruth Hipp about the history of Grover Hill,located in Paulding County, Ohio.
I am a member of the Notoweega Nation, a multi-tribal nation, and a Notoweega Pow Wow was held June 5, 2004 on the farm property belonging to D.C. Goings in Paulding County, Ohio. It has passed to his Goings descendents. We are attempting to recover as much of our Native American culture as is possible.
While I am not a historian, with the time and resources to research and verify all that is covered in this documentary film, I know that it is the historical experience of many Black people in the United States. Growing up on the same Hollywood image of Indians(i.e.,only Plains Indians living in tepees and hunting buffalo) as everyone else, the truths about the many Eastern Woodland Peoples and their subsequent mixing with Blacks and Whites before their eventual removal has been deliberately obscured from the mainstream history books. We're still here in spite of Pencil Genocide.
Not quite excellent, but...
M. Session | Jefferson City, Missouri United States | 05/28/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"While I have only one criticism of the program, I know and feel it is no small matter. Therefore, I will start with the negative (I apologize). My criticism is that the program too often simply reflects the passion of the moment. To great offense to me, a person being interviewed attributed his light complexion to his Indian/first nation culture. I think the program did not go far enough or better stated the program failed to make the point that at least some of the first nations culture were black in color, but not African.
What is needed, and hopefully is being done, is a documentary linking, at least some, first nation cultures with the black/dark skin Indians (at least some) of India. Suggestive to some, convincing to others evidence abounds. For example, the oral history of the "Cherokee" which states we began off the coast of South America coincides with the routes travel by ancient India (see: Conley, Robert, The Cherokee Nation: A History; page 109 and The Indians And The Amerindians - By Dr. B. Chakravarti page 82)
Yes, Columbus was partially correct in calling the first cultures Indians!
Nevertheless, Black Indians: An American Story is a good story that is told very well. Moreover, the program means a lot and is must see video.
What is it does it mean to be Native American?
La Araņa | 02/12/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I really enjoyed this documentary-style movie. I'm an African-American with Cherokee ancestory, which can especially be seen on my materal grandmothers side of the family. It really opens your eyes and makes you want to find out about where your family linage comes from. It explores the questions of how we came together, how we slit apart, and some of the difficulties we face in modern-day society. Everyone should watch this movie."
Black Indians are also in the Southeastern US
Black Indian Princess | Virginia | 02/26/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I purchased this DVD and I have to say that I watched it 10 Times!!!! :-) I am so happy that my elders are starting to speak up and out so those who are "lost" or brainwashed will start to wake up and question what we call "U.S. History." Personally, TRUE U.S. History consists of those who made this country what it is today. Native, African & European American influences.
I also wished they would have focused on Southeastern US Indians. For instance, Virginia; North & South Carolina,Georgia, etc. Our roots are very deep in this region of the U.S.
I too have a blended "American" identity. I consider myself a Black Indian. In today's society, I've learned that "we" are forced to choose by Black America, Native America and White America. I refuse to choose.
Now, I know that I have "extended family" (members of Black America and Native America) who will get upset if I choose Black over my Native American Heritage and vice versa. It's sad that "we" have to choose and are not accepted as Black Indians.
Overall, I do highly recommend this DVD for those who truely care about TRUE "U.S. History" and those who want to find out more regarding their blended heritage."