Make Sure Your Philosophy Matches This Video
Deanna M. Barnes | California, USA | 07/28/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I bought the Educational Version of this video, and I was a bit disappointed. I enjoyed seeing women actually give birth. It was inspiring to see how happy and peaceful they were. If you are afraid of the labor process, this video may help calm you. However, the narrative is definitely a differing philosophy from my own. I prefer a more natural birth to a birth with unnecessary interventions, but I do not believe, for example, that we carry trauma from our own births that we have to work out before we birth our own children. I also do not agree that we carry genetic knowledge from our ancestors. If these sound like ideas that interest you or that you already believe in, this video would be a great choice for you! However, if you lie on the more medical/technological side of the childbirth debate or somewhere between medical and natural, this video may not be the best choice for you. I was hoping for a video more educational, with more tips on how to deliver at home or in a birth center, more about the physical process of labor, how to cope with the strength and pain of birth, and how to make decisions about your birth and pregnancy that are right for you, regardless of your philosophy. If you want to learn more about birth and pregnancy, I would highly recommend Our Bodies, Ourselves: Pregnancy and Birth for any philosophy. If you are looking for a video that teaches you more about birth and lets you see it happening, take a look at the other options at your disposal and decide on the video that seems to fit what you're looking for. Good luck, and if you or someone you know is pregnant, congratulations, and may the birth be one of the happiest memories of your life!"
April Dawn Withers | Las Vegas NV | 03/30/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If every woman had the opportunity to see this before birthing their first baby things in the world would change! I don't know anybody who had a good experience in the hospital and most resorted to other options for their following births. I love this movie and lend it out to every pregnant friend I have."