Billy Jack DVD Collection: A Landmark
Brad Moffitt | 11/03/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"First, I will say that Billy Jack fans of all ages will love this collection...... and it's worth ever penny! They will also be elated over the quality and the special features. You can watch the movie, or you can activate the narration track. With the narration track, the entire movie is then narrated point-by-awesome-point by Tom Laughlin and Deloris Taylor. Every scene, every character, every piece of history is covered in detail. The viewer actually feels like the Laughlins are sitting in the living room talking to you..... it's that personal, it's that interesting, it's that good. The other aspect of the narrated track is just how much the Laughlins admire and care for each other. They are indeed a unique and special couple. Even the casual fan of Tom Laughlin's work will be mesmerized by the quality of the DVD and the personal narration. Hardcore fans will watch these over and over again........ after 30 years the stories, the experiences, and the theme are priceless and these DVD's feel like a gift from the Laughlins. They are a bargain at any price. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.... and God Bless Tom Laughlin and Deloris Taylor!"
Movie is still good, but the DVD is a waste of DVD space
Brad Moffitt | 01/04/2001
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I bought the Billy Jack 4-DVD set for my wife for Christmas. While I thought the movies were ok, the commentary track is sometimes out of sync with the movie (I'm referring to the commentary track for "Billy Jack"... I haven't seen the others yet w/commentary). So when Tom & Delores say something like "that guy right THERE" the scene is already past they were referring to. It gets re-synced at times but really is very sloppy overall. Most noticable is when the sheriff and deputy go to the Freedom school to look for Barbara and are sung to by the kids. The commentary track is way out of sync with the movie there. Also, Tom goes WAY overboard in his praise of Delores' performance. A little praise is fine but remember that your audience wants to hear background information on the movie, not constant self-admiration... and I do mean constant ! We had to strain to catch the little tidbits of interesting info in between Tom's deluge of acolades for his wife. Also in the promotion for the website, the word "marriage" is misspelled. There is so little "extra" features on these DVD's that it hardly seems to be a good use of the medium to put "Billy Jack" on these, except to get them to market I guess. In some DVD's I get the feeling that the producers really put their finest efforts into the DVD production and other times I get the feeling that the movie was thrown onto DVD to get it into the market. The Billy Jack collection has the look and feel and lack of content of the latter. We'd like to have seen a seperate documentary on the "ghost religion" for example or an on-camera interview with Tom & Delores for the silver anniversary of the release of Billy Jack. Too late now..."
Good film and defense of Tom Laughlin
Bill C. | Nevada | 09/28/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The film has action, story, humor (Howard Hessman is in it). It's slightly dated sure but that adds to the nostalgic charm of it. A winner. And Tom Laughlin's wife Delores is part American Indian (so are their kids) that gives Tom the right to champion the American Indian cause."