Considered the pilates of Tae Bo, Billy Blanks: Tae Bo Flex focuses on core stability and toning exercises. As with most Tae Bo productions, this DVD promises the best results if performed with other videos in the series. ... more »Though perfect for those who want to concentrated on muscle sculpting, particularly within the confines of an apartment or otherwise small space, a more cardiovascular workout can be found in Tae Bo Advanced or the Tae Bo Ripped series.« less
Missy B. (missindependent) from S WILLIAMSPRT, PA Reviewed on 1/30/2010...
This video is great for someone who wants to get into Tae Bo to learn the moves since it is done slowly. It isn't high impact but done as isometric holds so it is still intense and is also good for someone already familiar with Tae Bo to mix it up a little.
Movie Reviews
This is a different Tae-Bo DVD
Linda D. Robinson | Illinois | 10/20/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This Flex version focuses on different parts of the body. The most important feature is the timing and the counting, which the Blanks have rapidly improved over previous DVD's. It keeps the cardio tempo up, so you will sweat, but on the standard 8-count it will force you to freeze and focus on tightening up certain muscles througout the DVD. This is a good DVD for rotation, but do not expect an all-out jumping around, standard Tae-Bo routine, again it focuses on toning various groups and keeping your cardio up at the same time. I was not disappointed. And the Blanks have switched the technical aspect of the DVD to GoodTimes. You will see more of a professional presentation and organization. You will see a smaller room size and less group participation (10-12 total). Overall, I rate this one worth getting and putting in your current exercise rotation."
"After doing this workout for a short time, I was amazed to look in the mirror one morning while getting ready for church, and noticed I actually had defined abs! I was stunned and thrilled. I've worked out on a regular basis for years and this is the first time, I've ever actually seen abs on my body. I don't understand the reviews that say you won't sweat and do not work your abs. Those people should touch their abs while holding one of the standing Flex positions and feel for themselves the engaged muscles.
I recommend this workout to anyone. It is difficult if you are not used to the moves, but you will pick up on them soon enough. And that's part of the fun of finding a new workout."
More Flexing, Please!
Kelly Garbato | Kearney, MO USA | 11/22/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I've been doing Tae Bo for about two years, and have mostly mastered the serious cardio workouts (of which Tae Bo II: Get Ripped is the most difficult). I purchased Tae Bo Flex because I wanted a Tae Bo workout that would focus on muscle definition (particularly in my abs) as opposed to cardio endurance. For the most part, Tae Bo Flex delivers.
Tae Bo Flex is different from previous Tae Bo DVDs in that the moves are performed more slowly, allowing the class to concentrate on the desired muscle groups. Additionally, after a certain number of sets, a move - for example, a roundhouse kick - is held, muscles flexed (hence the title of the workout), in order to strengthen specific muscle groups.
In general, each move is performed as follows: two sets of eight normal repetitions, a held position for eight counts, another set of eight normal reps, and then a final round of a flexed pose. Then, on to another move. During the course of Tae Bo Flex, you'll do a number of moves in this manner, including the roundhouse kick, side kick, front kick, back kick, various punches, and some pseudo-speed bag. Most of the concentration is on your lower body, but the workout does include a few positions in which you're flexing your arms as well.
For the most part, I enjoy the workout; it's definitely something different than what I'm used to! However, it isn't nearly as difficult as I thought it would be. The cardio (i.e., the "normal" sets) is relatively light, and I never really work up a sweat. Also, you only hold the flexed position for eight counts - essentially, this only amounts to about eight seconds! - which isn't very challenging. And this is coming from someone who has a very poor sense of balance, mind you! In fact, some of the previous Tae Bo workouts, such as Get Ripped Advanced 1 and 2, feature longer flex times than this. Finally, at just 45 minutes, Tae Bo Flex is about 10 minutes shorter than many other "Advanced" Tae Bo DVDs.
Although I've owned this DVD for about five months, I usually only use it on my "off" days - those mornings when I'm just too beat to work through some of the more advanced Tae Bo videos. Nonetheless, newbies might find Tae Bo Flex helpful. The leisurely pace makes it easier to learn the basic moves, and the flexing does allow you to focus in on your body. You really gain a sense of which exercises work which muscle groups, because you can literally feel them in action. Overall a decent DVD, but I'm going to knock off one star because there really should have been more flexing!"
Great workout
Elizabeth Fenston | PA | 03/23/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is my first teabo video and I have to say I got hooked right away, within the first two weeks I started to see the results especially in my saddle bag area and my upper stomach! The hardest part of this video is hopping around trying to keep my balance so I make sure the hubby isn't around to laugh at me while I workout but this is so much fun I am definately buying more teabo workout videos to mix up my weekly workout routine."
So I bought an exercise video. . .
tao of ben~ | San Diego, CA | 04/12/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Yes I did. Figured, I would give this Tae-Bo thing a try. I've been practicing Martial Arts for nearly 20 years. With my weight going up and down after ACL reconstructive surgery...Physical therapy had been my only exercise (if you even call it that). So besides strenthening at the gym and some elliptical work, it got boring. I'm always into trying new workouts to "shock" the body. I want to be a healthy 34 year old man. So I figured I'd add this to my system of training/exercising. gave me the same sweaty dripping workout as working over a heavy bag. Plus, the benefit that I see is the "flex"...It helps me re-strengthen, re-focus, and wake up those martial arts muscles again. I don't know what these negative people are talking about. But everyone has to have an opinion, that's what makes picking your own system great. I'd recommend this DVD. Especially to people trying to re-awaken their healthier self.
As the wise, Bruce Lee says. . . "Be Water, My Friend.""