Great stereotype busting show...serious and funny and lots o
Sophia Bezirganian | NY United States | 06/02/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love TV series that deliver great entertainment and social commentary in a non-preachy, stereotype busting way, that really make you think and laugh, and sit on edge of your seat, all at the same time. This series is close to the top of my list of such. (Dexter, the HBO series--switched to network CBS in 2008 is another)Dexter.
After reading Jon Krakauer's Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith I inevitably acquired a most negative view of Mormon fundamentalism, especially polygamy. This series made me reconsider my verdicts on Mormonism, and even (never dreamed I'd say this) on polygamy itself. I still believe polygamy is a landmine with the odds against its success pretty high. But the series shows how it has some novel advantages over monogamy, if the husband and wives have love, a sense of humor, and lots of grit and flexibility....and--absolutely a key--if hubby truly loves all wives "THE SAME" (I know, this is Solomonic long shot! Bill pulls it off here though, in quite an endearing way!).
Be ready to chuckle endlessly (e.g. at Bill;s 'heroic' attempt to satisfy all three high-sex-appetite wives, and at Bill's parents' over the top schemes) but also to be serious, thoughtful and root for Bill's kids' realistic and poignant struggles with life in Mormon Utah, and his brother's almost heroic sbility to remain a good man in the nest of a Mormon fundamentalist "prophet" Roman (Bill's wife #2 Nicky's father).
Season 2 manages to cast ALL the characters in an even more morally ambiguous, and yet simultaneously more likable, way than Season 1. Although some scenes are almost slapstick but hilarious, others are totally 3 D, melancholy, and believable. Be prepared to LOVE BIG LOVE!
Tip of Advice
Erin A. | New York | 08/18/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I just purchased these on and I wanted to let consumers know, if you buy seasons 1 and 2 separately, it totals out around $10 LESS than buying them together. Not sure why, youd think itd be the opposite!! I have Amazon Prime, and I ordered this one days shipping too - which means if you used the free shipping, it would be $18.00 less to purchase them separately :)
I've heard good things about this show, so I thought Id try and catch up and watch the first 2 seasons before the 3rd premieres in January!!"
Big Love has the Wow Factor!
Karen Hancock | Australia | 05/21/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Wow! This has to be one of the best television drama series since Six Feet Under and Brothers and Sisters. It's deep, it's complex, it's a little weird, but then, i guess, polygamy is all these things. The series explores what life is like in a polygamist mormom family living in Sandy, Utah, with sensitivity and in a non-judgemental way, while not fearing to delve into the more diffcult issues, like sex, kids, and religious issues. Bill Paxton plays the role of the husband, and is exciting to watch in this role that is the pinnacle of his career to date. He is supported by the amazing Chloe Sevigny, Jeanne Triplehorn, and Ginnifer Goodwin. The wives have a very complex, very deep relationship, yet although they are close, each one has secrets they cant reveal to their sister wives. This series is a must see for anyone who loves quality drama, credible acting, great storylines, and is fascinated by the secret life of polygamists. Big Love is a drama with a lot of tension, a lot of humour and warmth, and above all, a lot of heart!"
Daily Drama...Times Three
Andrea L. Polk | Southern Oregon | 01/20/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Big Love is HBO's series about a family, struggling to do what's right in the eyes of God and in the eyes of their community, while all the while hiding a very large secret: they are polygamists.
Polygamy being a pretty radical concept for most of us to grasp, this makes for an incredibly interesting launch pad for a series that's now beginning it's 3rd year. Throw in the turmoil caused by 'The Prophet' who wants his cut of the family's very successful home and garden business, trying to keep three wives in three different houses with their individual needs and struggles constantly clamoring for attention, children ranging in age from infants to teens, and one man trying to survive it while still remaining the spiritual leader of his family and you've got a hit show!
A soap opera-like drama set in Utah, Big Love has complex characters; some you like, some you don't and some you're not sure how you should feel about them, intertwined in such a way that you can't help wanting more. Yes, polygamy is certainly the tie that binds this drama, but it fades into the background as family and the relationships within the family are really what it's all about. The 'Big Love' that it takes to hold those relationships together through tough times and deceit.
Not a show for the kids, but adults who like an intelligent drama with the occasional humorous scenario thrown in, will enjoy what Big Love has to offer."
Best show - Jam-packed with worth-while drama!
Tara Allen | Houston, TX | 04/27/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It's amazing how much drama the producers are able to fit into a one-hour segment. I LOVE this show. Every episode leaves you begging to know what happens next. I started watching Big Love on Season 3 on HBO... And was able to watch all of the Season 2 re-runs when they did a marathon. After Season 3 ended though, I had withdrawals, so I thought it was a perfect opportunity to buy the Season 1 and 2 bundle to catch up. It's an excellent show. Another plus, is the great choice of music used in some of the episodes. Although this is a DVD set, we play them in our Blu-Ray player on the 52" flat-screen, and the picture is still magnificent. "Big Love", in my opinion, is what makes HBO worth having on your TV. The producers picked the best actors to play each part. Bill Paxton is great ofcourse. 'Barb' is my favorite wife on the show, 'Marg' is the fun, young, flirty wife who's trying to adjust to this new life, and 'Nicki' is the wife everyone loves to hate. The supporting actors are wild, and sometimes wildly funny in their own eerie way. If you are looking for a show packed with drama, various emotion, and twists, this should do it!"