Preview looked real funny. Actual movie, not so funny!
Movie Reviews
Having a kid is great... as long as his eyes are closed and
Matt | NJ | 04/12/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The review from "The New Yorker" on this page is probably one of the most pompous and hollow reviews I've ever read. "Big Daddy" is a great movie. I'm a long-time Adam Sandler fan but, put it this way, after seeing this movie, so is my mother. She's usually not into this kind of comedy, but this has become one of her all-time favorite movies. So, saying that "Anyone looking to solve the mystery of Adam Sandler's mass appeal is not going to do it here" seems to be a ridiculous statement.
The movie is funny from "all angles". The story is good, the cast is as solid as I've ever seen in a comedy, etc, etc... Whether or not you're usually into Sandler's brand of comedy, you will most likely appreciate this film. I feel that this is Adam Sandler at his best - and it is certainly one of his most successful projects.
Highly recommended."
My Favorite Sandler Movie.
Alex | Michigan, USA | 07/05/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Big Daddy is a movie in which Adam Sandler stars as a toll booth guy ( Sonny Koufax ) trying to raise a kid on his own to impress his " girlfriend " Vanessa (Kristy Swanson).
Big Daddy is my favorite Sandler movie, and one of my favorite ever movies, simply because of its humor and simple enough story. Some people think that some intended humor in this movie was pointless and stupid, but I highly dissagree. There are jokes throughout this entire movie, even sometimes during "emotional" times. if you haven't seen this movie by now, I feel bad for you, because this movie even has Rob Schneider (Nazo), Sonny's "best friend", who is a delivery guy, and is funny throughout the movie. Steve Buscemi is also in this movie, playing the Homeless guy, who also adds some humor into the already funny movie.
Why do some people say "this is a movie that creates bad examples for kids"? Well, yeah it might, but they also must forget the fact this is rated PG-13, so kids if they don't wanna shouldn't watch it then.
Anyways, obviously buy this movie. If you don't; " I'll give you a crew cut mister. ""
A Very Funny Laugh Out Loud Movie!!!!
K. Jackson | Atlanta, GA USA | 04/27/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I thought that this was Adam Sandler's best movie he has made.That he played man who's a slacker that he trys to impress his girlfriend by adopting a cute 5-year-old boy(played by Dylan & Cole Sprouse).I think of how the movie should've ended real good is for Sonny to have Legal Custody of Jullian.I laugh out loud when I see this movie!!!!"
Adam Sandler-- a new twist
GenrasionX | New York | 11/27/1999
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Adam Sandler was hillarious in the waterboy, and did a great job in movies such as Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore and other movies. In all of those movies he is usually playing an imature or slightly retarted charector, wich by the is very funny, but in this movie he plays a father and adds a completley new twist to the phrase "an adam sandler movie" much his others this is a very good"