Excellent Documentary
S. Wilder | MN | 08/12/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This documentary covers so many issues surrounding homosexuality, from the historical contexts in which the Bible was written, to the geographic contexts, to semantics, and finally to recent developments in the biological research of homosexuality. Its major premise brings one to the firm understanding that the Bible is being used by many (for profit through fear) to do just the opposite of what God and Jesus would ever have wanted. These people (including many very well-known types that make millions off of their followers) "use" the Bible to erroneously spread their fabricated messages, and in turn, help to create a world of injustice. I would highly recommend this documentary and just maybe more people will be stirred to action to defeat the terrorizing tactics of the homophobics. Unfortunately, it may take a tragic event (like experienced by one mother in the video) before some people can have their their minds finally opened to truth and justice."
Biblical literalists hypocritical
Judith A. Carlson | Chicago, IL United States | 09/10/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD succinctly points out that those who take the Bible as the absolute word of God are largely responsible for the fear and hatred of homosexuals. They interpret the Bible literally, refusing to understand or even acknowledge that it was written by man, for man, and that if they take the passages regarding homosexuality literally they are being hypocritical -- would they stone their daughter to death if she was not a virgin before marriage or would they sell her into slavery, for instance? -- two things that the Bible instructs them to do. In other words, these literalists pick out what they agree with and ignore that which they do not agree with. If they love God so much that they want to follow what they interpret as His absolute word then whatever happened to love thy neighbor as thyself? Don't they understand that God made man and that God would never have made an entire group of people and put them on this earth for the sole purpose of being targets for discrimination and hatred? I wish this DVD could be aired publicly, on a humongous screen and at high volume, at every anti-Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender(GLBT)demonstration. It would expose the haters for what they really are -- hypocrites."
For The Bible Tells Me So
MJS | 07/05/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This video compares in investigative quality to Dateline. It includes childhood videos of Bishop Robinson as well as later interviews with him, his parents, his ex-wife and daughters. There is a segment of an African-American family where a daughter is lesbian; her father is a minister and never accepted that part of her while her mother did but he loved his daughter and did not shun her. Another segment was a mother who was influenced by Rev. Dobson's teaching on homosexuality. She constantly railed on her daughter to change and the daughter eventually committed suicide. The mother and another couple wwent to a Dobson convention to confront him and were arrested on the spot. There are comments by clergy in high & professors in highplaces who explain the Bible. A very powerful presentation."