Beyond Altantis
GreatMovieCriticForever | 11/10/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a decent movie. Hollywood has had a fascination with Atlantis like everyone else. This flick is no different. For it's time it's well made. Director Eddie Romero gets a couple of nice shots and without the use of special effects manages to add in nice cinematography.
The acting on the cast on this decent if not good. Essentially this is a "don't mess with us" type of allegory with the people of Atlantis vs. The Outside World (in this case in the form of greedy and murderous treasure hunters). The people of Atlantis are dead serious about protecting their homeland. Leigh Christian who plays Syrene, the lead Atlantian who is looking for love is very good in her role.
Unlike her people, she wants contact with the outside world and is very naive towards the words of men. Then the people of Atlantis are somewhat stern in their ways even forcing her to mate with her own kind. However, after you look at the men in this movie it's not hard to see why they are all scumbags here.
It's essentially like I said an allegory and there is more acting than action for the large bulk of the film till the exciting finale. Still "Beyond Atlantis" is worth tracking down.