It?s ten o? clock, do you know who your children are slaughtering? God fearing parents are in a panic as their children mysteriously disappear! Little do they know that the only thing worse than their children disappearin... more »g would be them coming back! After the youngsters of Tromaville fall under the ruthless control of a cult leader, they turn on their parents with gruesome results. Cannibalism, Parenticide and heartstopping gore explode from the screen in a movie that dares you to breed! Don't miss the last ten gut-wrenching minutes, which have made Beware! Children at Play a modern day classic! This exclusive DVD release features a director?s commentary, introduction by Troma President and creator of the Toxic Avenger, Lloyd Kaufman, and it comes to you in an uncensored director?s cut! Beware, you may never look at your children the same way again!« less
"That's what I love about Troma movies, in fact, this was the first Troma movie I've ever seen. Yes, you WIMPS might find "Beware! Children at Play" boring, disgusting, and offensive but you people must learn to not take most movies seriously. With one of the BEST finales in cheesy horror history, I'm boosting the rating up a half a star and am hoping that a sequel will be made IMMEDIATELY! . ROCK ON! I LOVE THIS MOVIE!"
BEWARE!! Horrible filmmaking!
jimmy_rants@yahoo | USA | 01/02/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This little gem was apparently lensed independently and then picked upo by notorious shlock-pushers Troma for distribution. I can handle "Mother's Day" "Bloodsucking Freaks" and "Class of Nuke 'em High" from the boys of Troma, but this one takes a little more patience and stomach than I may have.
If you want poor acting, a horrible plot and even worse effects, I can't think of a better place to send you than BCAP. If any of these actors worked outside of this film (or maybe cable access) I'd be highly surprised. The plot and script was probably hatched between commercial breaks during Monday Night Football. The effects are weak even by Bollywood standards circa 1981.
IF you must know, the "film" follows the tale of a father and son who meet tragedy on a camp out. When the dad's ankle is snared in a bear trap and the son unable to retrieve help ( I thought he was pretty lame, even for an 8 year old) the near death father falls into dementia and encourages his son to cannabalize him for survival. Oh, all while the school teacher father is quoting Olde English or "Angel Accent" or Anglo Saxon lore . Naturally years later, the kid runs loose through the backwoods of the "New Jersey Bible Belt" (where?!?) terrorizing the God-fearing townfolk and kidnapping other kids for his flesh eating cult.
If you see BCAP, you will bear witness to some of the worst on-screen detecive work ever filmed as the "good guys" in the film attempt to find the culprit. Personally I don't think these pseudo-intellectual wannabe sleuthes couold solve the "Jumble" puzzle in the local newsrag, but painfully they work through the mystery and burn some valuable film time that could have been wasted on the bad effects.
Now the efects were made in the days before CGI and also apparently in the days before realistic fake blood, arrows and axes without visible fishing line attached and directors who could tell actors portraying the deceased the simple command to "not breathe visibly on-camera".
I still rate this dud 2 stars, better than I will a high budget H'wood outing with 100x the budget and sppoiled prima donna players. It's worth a laugh for crap-fans or maybe as a good punishment to make your kids watch when they are bad and you take their Playstation away.
Beware! This movie Rules!
tamaman2 | Findlay, OH USA | 07/19/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"PLOT: When a boy's father dies at the hands of a bear trap on a camping trip, he vows vengence and says weird things and then eats his dad. (Yep it's true). Now 10 years later the children of Tromaville are disappearing. The townspeople are God-fearing and mad about the kids. They think they are getting killed, but it's quite the opposite. The children are being gathered up into a gang of parent killing maniacs by the boy whos dad died 10 years earlier. DO NOT miss the end of this movie. As it is the greatest ending...EVER!
STRAIGHT TALK: I love this movie. It was the first Troma film I saw that I was aware of. (I saw Killer Nerd many years earlier) This movie was so wierd, but I soon learned that thats what Troma is all about. The acting is terrible but who cares?! The effects are terrible but who cares?! This just a great movie sit back and laught at. I bought it for 3 bucks at Family Video and it was so worth it.
CAST: A few dudes and a bunch of crazy kids. Acting is not important here!
KILLS: A scythe cutting a man in half. A woman who somehow runs into a bunch of sharp wooden logs. And off course the massacre at the end.
CONCLUSION: A five star pick all the way. I thought the cover was cool so I rented it. Best decision ever! Don't pass this one by at you local Family Video."
tamaman2 | 01/09/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
Only for "Tromans" looking to complete a collection
M. Celaschi | California | 10/10/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"The film is introduced by Llyod Kaufman as having a trailer deemed so controversial in it's depiction of children killing adults that it was booed at the Cannes Film Festival and half the audience walked out. That sounds like a bad joke I heard before. What does it take to offend a French person?...Or how many lightbulbs does it take to screw a French person?
The opening of the film is a father/son camping trip gone wrong. The father slowly dies after getting stuck in a bear trap and he tells his son to eat him spawning a cannibalistic cult of little children. And everything after this is screwier. The father was a professor that taught Anglo-Saxon poetry, or as the dimwit town sheriff affectionately refers to as "Angel Accent poetry", and this leads his son to believe that he, Glen Randell, is now "Grendel" from the poem "Beowulf". There are a variety of other bizarre explanations for the children's behavior in the convoluted plot involving the Sacrifice of Abraham's child to God amongst other things. Basically, the children disappear from the town, start a cult, hunt adults, and eat them. Sorry if this is confusing folks, but I watched the film and still don't get it. This is the most I could try to understand without falling asleep.
Unfortunately, as interesting as the premise sounds, the film is quite boring. It tried to be smart and I give it credit for that much. The SFX are good is some parts and bad in others. There are some scenes that try to make the mark, but fall short. One involves the young boy cutting open his father and eating his heart. At least I think that is what it was. The editing was strange and I am pretty sure it was not a real boy doing this for legal reasons. The stomach resembled an empty flap and a hand went in and pulled out a round, brown lump. The only scene that caught my attention for about 3 minutes was the slaughter scene at the end. And for the parents who secretly fantasize about killing their own kids, well here you have it.
There is a strange rape scene thrown in for no apparent reason. It seemed completely unnecessary and pointless. The child leader rapes a mom in front of other children including her own. That falls under the It's Just Wrong Category. And yet they somehow managed to make that boring as well.
The sound quality was okay, but there was goofy 80's boombox beat music at the oddest times. The film quality was decent, but there are problems with the editing and continuity issues. One scene in particular is shot at night and when the camera sings back to an actor talking, it is suddenly broad daylight!
Favorite Quote: A Bible salesman describing the Holy Bible he loves so much, "It is the best damn book ever! You don't need any god damn luck. You just say it is the word of God and their pocket book spreads it's cheeks and the long green pops out like puss from a pimple."
DVD Extras: The usual Troma fare: T.I.T. (Troma Intelligence Test), Still Gallery, Multiple Trailers, Commentary, and Bios. One note though, I could not read the menu. The font is illegible, so I just clicked on random colorful blobs I saw and hoped for the best.
Bottom Line: Only for "Tromans" looking to complete a collection.