Ring of Fire Light Weight Championship Jake "Hollywood" Hattan ? Ft. Collins, Colorado vs. Leonard "Bad Boy" Garcia ? Plainview, Texas Two of the top light weights in the country take it to the limit and beyond in this se... more »e saw battle for the belt. This fight is still talked about as one of the best of all time. Fabian "The Freak" Acuna ? Santiago, Chile vs. Puma Greene ? Pueblo, Colorado The Freak has fast feet and Puma has quick hands in this stand up war. Two words: Don?t Blink! Brad Gumm ? Littleton, Colorado vs. Jeff Lindsey ? Oklahoma City, Oklahoma UFC Veteran Gumm takes on his most experienced opponent ever. This match has it all: numerous submission attempts, body slams, punches and kicks. This is what mixed martial arts is all about. "UNCLE" Sam McFarlin ? Denver, Colorado vs. Sam "The Ram" Sheretz ? Air Force Academy Air force wrestler brings his world class mat skills in to the professional fighting ring, but standing opposite him is one of the most unorthodox and colorful athletes in the game. Main Event: Ring of Fire Middle Weight Championship Pete "The Secret Weapon Spratt ? Sherman, Texas vs. Jay Jack ? Boulder, Colorado UFC veteran Spratt is known for his fast hands and bone breaking kicks, and Jack is one of the top submission fighters in the circuit with his innovative and acrobatic moves. This is a classic Striker vs. Grappler match up.« less