Produced in over 30 territories, The Price Is Right is the longest running game show in television history. — In the USA, The Price Is Right is the No.1 daytime show. — The first episode of Price is Right aired on NBC in 195... more »6, hosted by Bill Cullen and quickly became a top ten show. A consistent combination of entertaing contests, an engaging host and fantastic prizes have entertained generations of viewers.« less
"As a long time Price Is Right fan I was eager to see The Best of The Price is Right. Unfortunately it is not on this dvd set. I did find the Bill Cullen shows interesting, and those old dark haired Bob shows were entertaining, but a little goes a long way when you are eagerly waiting for the best to begin. I expected to see the Price Is Right that I loved with the beautiful girls Janice, Dian, Holly, and the adorable Johnny. Those shows aren't anywhere on this dvd set. I was expecting The Best of The Price Is Right but sadly it's not here."
No 80's and 90's
J. Weitz | Ohio | 04/27/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I am a big fan of The Price is Right. Having grown up with Bob, Rod and the girls, it was a staple of my childhood. It was always there. Neverchanging. This DVD collection was definately worth every cent. Right here is your chance to see the 50's Bill Cullen versions, along with some early Bob Barker episodes from 72-75. The quality was great. The only disappointing factor is that there were no episodes from 75-06. I recently seen all of Barkers last week at the helm, so I have yet to view that disk.
My only negative comment is the lack of 80's and 90's episodes. Hopefully a volume 2 will alleviate this.
Otherwise, if you are a TPIR fan, get your hands on this DVD"
Not the "BEST" of TPIR
Michael G. Siepel | Springfield, MO United States | 06/04/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"As a life-long fan of the show, I am very dissapointed. Fremantle would be better to put together a disc set of bloopers, set mis-haps, behind the scenes (showing the entires soundstage) and cast/crew interviews.
I have a problem with this being promoted as the "Best of The Price Is Right". This is in fact a compilation of what seems as the first season of The Price Is Right, their move to 1 hour episodes and the last week of Bob Barker.
I have seen better episodes on the Internet. I wish I could get my money back, but I would not be able to."
Price is right with "Price Is Right"
Christopher B. Book | Cumming GA USA | 04/30/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Many have harped about the DVD set "The Best Of The Price Is Right" for its selection of its earliest four years of the CBS show and Bob Barker's final week as it excludes some noted show models. Others, who were born way after the CBS show began, think the Bill Cullen shows shouldn't have been included ("It's not in color!..." "it doesn't have pricing games!..." "the contestants aren't crazy!..." "we can't psychoanalyze the lettering font in a game display!"). Cry me a river, all of you. Cullen's show was TV's top game in its day and Barker's version probably wouldn't have made it on the air without it paving the way. As for the selection of Barker episodes, let it stand as a testament, a litmus test, of how it started as a "Let's Make A Deal" ripoff and became TV's longest running game. If anyone's to blame for not having a wider spread of shows, blame either CBS or Barker himself and his beef with the excluded models."
A Best Of? Perhaps Not, But Worth Every Penny For These 26 G
Robert Marriott | north america | 09/27/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Firstly, I'd like to agree with previous reviews that this isn't really a "Best Of" compilation, but I think much of the criticism is overly harsh, with some reviewers giving this a one star rating. My guess is that the title, "Best of Price is Right," was chosen for lack of a better name. The episodes do seem to be fairly random, and while I'm not sure the reason for this, I doubt "Random Episodes of the Price is Right's Early Years" would have had a nice ring to it. I also doubt we could all agree on which episodes are the "best", so pleasing everyone would be impossible.
However, what you do get is worth every penny:
The first disc contains mostly episodes from the original 1950s series (i.e. pre-Bob Barker days), and while I didn't expect much going in, I have to admit these early episodes have a certain charm. They also provide a good comparison / contrast to the more familiar series we all know and love.
The second and third discs contain episodes from 1972 (the first season) to 1975. It would have been nice to have the very first episode included in this set, but you get a good sampling, none the less. It's interesting to see the very early episodes where many of the seats were empty and mistakes and malfunctions in the equipment are common. As time progressed, audience attendance increased and new games are added... and some games (like the unwinnable bullseye game) are dropped.
The fourth disc contains episodes from Bob Barker's final week on the show. I haven't watched this disc yet, but I'm looking forward to it since I missed these when they originally aired.
Having grown up watching TPIR (since the early 1980s anyway), I'm excited to be able to own ANY of the early episodes in a long-lasting, high-quality format. Until now, the only way I could relive some of the early material was via low-quality chopped-up scenes featured on YouTube.
I sincerly hope this won't be the last of these sets. I would LOVE to see more episodes from the 1970s and early 1980s! Sadly, I have a feeling there are no plans in the works to do this.
PS. It's great to look back at the products and prizes on the show and know in those days they were all MADE IN AMERICA!!!"