These are the earth-shattering episodes that "Power Rangers" fans voted #1. The episodes that explode with action and turbo-powered adventure as the Power Rangers face off against the most diabolical forces of evil and des... more »truction on this world and beyond. Contains five episodes, one from each series digitally remastered:
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers "White Light" Parts 1 and 2
Power Rangers in Space "Countdown to Destruction" Parts 1 and 2
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy "To The Tenth Power"
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue "Trakeena's Revenge" Parts 1 and 2
Lee B. (Lee) from HENRYVILLE, IN Reviewed on 9/28/2010...
My 3 1/2 yr old son is very much in to Power Rangers and this is a "greatest hits" version. He loves it. Some movies for children are difficult for adults to watch, but I somewhat enjoys these as well.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Not the best of the Power Rangers
Lee Neville | London, ENGLAND | 02/25/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Ok, the following episodes of Power Rangers are on this DVD:-Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers "White Light(Parts 1 & 2)"
Power Rangers in Space "Countdown to Destruction(Parts 1 & 2)"
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy "To The Tenth Power"
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue "Trakeena's Revenge(Parts 1 & 2)"
Power Rangers Wild Force "Forever Red" Pretty disappointing selection. First of all I think they could have had more episodes with this package. Here's what I think of what they have chosen-White Light (Parts 1 & 2)- When this episode came out it was a major episode because it introduced the White Ranger so it is quite understandable that it would be chosen for this selection.Countdown To Destruction (Parts 1 & 2)- Simply the main reason to buy this DVD. It is the best two Power Rangers episodes ever made. It is quite epic in scope and featured the pivotal destruction of Zordon who originated the Power Rangers.To The Tenth Power- Great choice again and one of the best crossover events in Power Rangers.Trakeena's Revenge (Parts 1 & 2)- Lightspeed Rescue was probably the weakest Power Rangers series, and this is one of the best episodes of that series. Nice to see a crossover with the Lost Galaxy Power Rangers but it just doesn't live up to its potential. Still, not a bad choice.Forever Red- The amazing episode that featured various Red Rangers teaming up together.Now as you can see I've pretty much complimented every episode on the DVD. But my problem isn't with the episodes they have, it's with what they don't have. There also should have been an episode from each series- where are Power Rangers Zeo and Power Rangers Time Force? Another plus would have been to have the very first episode of Ninja Storm. They call this the Best of the Power Rangers, yet they forget to include some of the best episodes such as Ninja Quest (Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4) from Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, as well as the final four episodes of Power Rangers Lost Galaxy and the opening and final episodes of Power Rangers Time Force. That's why I'm disappointed with this DVD.It probably won't happen, but here's hoping they have a volume 2, or start to bring out the entire series in boxsets."
Lee Neville | 11/14/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My opinion as to why these episodes were picked:
White Light pt. 1 & 2-
This one is an old fan favorite. It introduces Tommy as the White Ranger, with new powers, weapons, and zord. Tommy is, as quoted by TJ in Forever Red, "A Legend". First he came out as the perfect evil Green Ranger, who no one could defeat. He then turned good and fought Rita Repulsa. It has been rated # 9 at the top ten episodes list at [...]Countdown to Destruction pt. 1 & 2-
This one is SOOOOOOOOO obviouse! This episode was the grand finale of not only Power Rangers in Space, but, the 6 year era of Zordon, 6 years worth of villains, all the active rangers, and most importanly, Zordon. He was the rangers' mentor for 6 years and was the greatest mentor they will ever have. He was trapped long ago in a Time Warp by Rita Repulsa. Now, all the UAOE is attacking to invade the universe for Dark Spector. Who was chosen to attack earth, why, non other than Astronema, Andros's long lost sister, brainwashed and turned evil. This dramatic, high action mini-series was a great pic to have on DVD!
It has been rated #2 as the top 10 episodes list at [...]!To the Tenth Power-
This one was one of the greatest teamups ever, the Space Rangers vs the Galaxy Rangers! With the return of the Psycho Rangers, and an episode with...TRAKEENA!!! This one is a favorite by many fans! 2 of the greatest seasons! Trakeena's Revenge pt. 1 & 2-
This was released for a limited time on VHS at McDonalds. It was aired as a 2 part mini-series later on Fox Kids. It features the return of Trakeena, her new army of Goulds, a new villain...Triskull, the return of the Galaxy Rangers, and the current rangers and villains, etc. It is another fan favorite!Forever Red-
This episode has been quoted by many fans as the greatest episode ever! It features the return of all red rangers!!!, The Machine Empire, Serpentura, Bulk and Skull, Alpha, The Astro Megaship, as well as many past references! In this episode the surviving members of the Machine Empire, lead by General Vengix, are on the moon digging up the remains of Serpentura, the most powerful zord ever built, with it they will have enough power to destroy earth, and avenge the defeat of King Mondo. It is up to all 10 red rangers (Jason (MMPR), Aurico (MMAR), Tommy (PRZ), TJ (PRT), Andros (PRiS), Leo (PRLG), Carter (PRLR), Wes (PRTF), Eric (PRTF), and Cole (PRWF) to defeat General Vengix before he and his army dig up Serpentura! This episode was the 10th Anniversuary special. It was a perfect choice to have on DVD!!! It has been rated #3 on the top ten episodes list at [...]!"
A good set of episodes
ttmoore3 | Houston, TX | 04/07/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"As someone attached to Power Rangers both from childhood memories and current day amusement, I was very pleased with a Power Rangers DVD of any kind. The episodes presented are indeed classics and were fun to watch again.EPISODE REVIEWS
1) Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: White Light part 1 & 2 - These episodes occured in the middle of season 2 and were also two of the final real appearences by 3 of the original Rangers (Jason, Zack, & Trini). With the fan-favorite Green Ranger no longer a part of the series, the show introduced the White Ranger and these episodes feature the return of "the legendary" Tommy. Good episodes to watch, but I personally would have prefered something involving the Green Ranger. 2) Power Rangers in Space: Countdown to Destruction part 1 & 2 - This was the season finale for "In Space" and had a much more serious tone to it than the usual PR episodes. This was certainly the end of an era as we saw the final appearences from many old characters. Everyone from Rita Repulsa to the Gold Ranger to Zordon made final appearences in these episodes. These certainly deserve to be on DVD. 3) Power Rangers Lost Galaxy: To the Tenth Power - This was truly the first team-up special involving 2 different Power Ranger teams. The Psycho Rangers from "In Space" return and the Galaxy Rangers unite with the Space Rangers to fend them off. At the time of airing, it was certainly a treat to see Andros and the others back on screen. This was a great episode and the arrival of the Space Rangers accompanied by their old theme music makes the scene ever better. Kudos!4) Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue: Trakeena's Revenge part 1 & 2 - This was the team-up episode between the Lightspeed Rescue Rangers and the Galaxy Rangers. For the most part, Lightspeed was considered one of the weaker PR series, but these episodes are certainly entertaining. 5) Power Rangers Wild Force: Forever Red - This was the 10th Anniversary special of Power Rangers and featured the Red Rangers of all the previous series. Jason (MMPR), Tommy (Zeo), TJ (Turbo), Andros (Space), Leo (Lost Galaxy), Carter (Lightspeed), Wes & Eric (Time Force), and Cole (Wild Force) all unite to stop the return of the Machine Empire. Very few people have anything negative to say about this episode. It was a wonderful nod to 10 years of history and certainly deserves its place on this DVD collection. PACKAGING
Much to my disappointment, it seems as though no real thought was put into the creation of this DVD. It seems more like a gimme to the fans from a company that didn't really care. There are several spelling errors on the back of the box. No extras were added to the DVD, but I won't count that against them since that's what they are suppose to be: Extras. One of the most disappointing aspects of the DVD is the lack of chapters in the episodes. If you want to see the White Ranger reveal his identity, you have to fast forward through most of two episodes to get there. OVERALL
I can't complain too much since I'm just glad to see a new Power Rangers DVD. I was sad to see no Time Force episodes added to the disc since it is my personal favorite series. My hope is that this is merely a test product and we shall see more episodes released on DVD soon. Lets see some Season Box Sets!"
Some of the Greatest Episodes on DVD
ttmoore3 | 01/21/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I was a fan of Power Rangers sense day one, so I'm pleased to see that they're putting some episodes on DVD. The first two episodes are the first with Tommy as the White Ranger (White Light: Parts 1/2). I was a little kid when these episodes came out and believe me I remember the craze. These episodes may not be the best to some out of the three Mighty Morphin seasons, but they are classics and no one can deny that. They didn't put an episode of Zeo on here which was suprising. They also didn't put an episode of Turbo on here which wasn't suprising. I enjoyed this season, but allot of people didn't so it's understandable. The next two episodes are the last two of Power Rangers in Space (Countdown to Destruction: Parts 1/2). I knew if they did put PRIS episodes on here it would be these two. They're awesome and that's all there is to it. The next episode is from Power Rangers Lost Galaxy where the Space and Galaxy Rangers team up to fight the Psycho Rangers. Out of the entire PRLG season this one was one of the best so no shocker that it was picked. The next episodes are where the Galaxy and Lightspeed Rangers team up to fight Trakeena (Trakeena's Revenge: Parts 1/2). I like the Galaxy Rangers, but the Lightspeed Rangers just weren't as good as the others, but if you're a fan of the PRLR season that's cool. They didn't put an episode of Time Force on here. I enjoyed Time Force more than Lightspeed Rescue, but once again it's understandable that nothing was picked from this season. For the last episode on this DVD they picked from Power Rangers Wild Force (Forever Red). All I got to say is, naturally. What Power Ranger fan doesn't like this episode? All ten Red Rangers together, come on! It would've been nice if they picked an episode from each season, but oh well! If you're a Power Ranger fan I'm sure you'll enjoy this DVD."
Liked The Choices But One
Ervin Griffin | Bluefield, WV | 09/07/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I can't comment on the DVD but I have seen these episodes and that's what I am basing my rating on. I think they were all great choices except for "Trakkena's Revenge." While it wasn't a bad episode from "Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue", it wasn't all that great. I think a better choice would've been "End Of Time" from Power Rangers Time Force or, if you had to have another crossover of Ranger teams, "Reinforcements From The Future" that had Time Force team with Wild Force.Still, this doesn't sound like a bad DVD."