Average DVD, but well below average for the series
BM | 09/19/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The 1st 3 DVD's in this series have been the best DVD's I have ever seen. So because of that I am setting the bar very high for this one as well. I am a bit worried since most women matches seem very boring and well bad wrestling (wwe and wcw). I have seen Lufisto before and she has done a good job in a few matches but then right away we find out she is not competing.
Unlucky 13 Staple Gun Death Match - Ann Thraxx vs. Mickie Knuckles- Cool to watch. They kept stapling dollar bills to each other. It was fairly brutal to watch. A few very good spots in the match. Grade B+
Thumbtack Death Match - Vanessa Kraven vs. Rachael Putski- This match wasn't bearly as violent. They both looked very sloppy. Some moves where decent, but others looked awful. Grade C
4 Corners Of Pain - Amy Lee vs. SeXXXy Eddy- This was more of a comedy match. We did seem some nice moves, and some nice use or light tubes, and barbwire. Grade C+
Barbed Wire Madness - Sumie Sakai vs. Mayumi Ozaki- Ozaki destroyed her opponent. Sakai was bleeding buckets! If it was more competitive it would have been even better. Grade B
Taipei Death Match - Mickie Knuckles vs. Rachael Putski - Just a brutal match! It was really a great Taipei deathmatch. I was amazed how much they just beat on each other with the glass. Grade A
2 out of 3 Log Cabin Lighttubes - SeXXXy Eddy vs. Mayumi Ozaki- Ok match, Eddy didn't pull of too many moves, he just took a beating. Ozaki looks really goo and loves to use a dog collar effectively. Grade B-
Barbed Wire, Weapons, Steel Cage Match - Mickie Knuckles vs. Mayumi Ozaki- Solid finish but nothing spectacular. Both competitors where so tired they could don't much. They used a lot of light tubes on each other and we saw the occasional whip into the barbwire. Grade B-
Overall this DVD fell well short of the others. This one had less matches, and only reached 2 hours because of a lot of replays. It's a shame this one didn't live up to the other in the series because the others are truly remarkable. Overall Grade B-