Just outstanding (provided you havent seen the matches befor
BM | 07/05/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I feel very stupid. I ordered this DVD and King of the Death matches DVD. I did not realize that this DVD is a 2 set DVD with the first DVD being the King of the Deathmatches DVD. This DVD is far superior because it has audio commentary for the matches. Also this one has a 2nd DVD!
DVD 1 1995 Deathmatch Tournament
Tiger Jeet Singh vs Gannosuke- Grade C-
Leatherface vs Terry Funk- Grade C+
Cactus Jack vs Terry Gordy- Grade B
Hiroshi Ono vs Shoji Nakamaki- Grade B
Ichihara vs Okano- Grade B-
Iceman vs Kamikaze- Grade C
Terry Funk vs Tiger Jeet Singh-. Grade B
Cactus Jack vs Nakamaki- Grade A-
The Headhunters vs Silver King and El Texano- Grade B+
Dan Severn vs Tarzan Goto- Grade C
Cactus Jack vs Terry Funk- Grade A-
Overall Grade B+ (I rated this one slightly better since it had audio, and the DVD quality appears enhanced)
XPW best of the Death matches.- You get the whole DVD 5 solid matches that last a bit over an hour. This was a good DVD by itself. Grade A-
Random Matches
Dynamite D vs New Jack- Dynamite actually does a good job and puts up some solid offense. New Jack dominates as always. Grade B+
Kronus vs Homeless Jimmy- Just an awesome match, and Kronus really amazes me. This match had an amazing finish.. Grade A-
Kaos vs Johnny Webb- Wow what a great match. We saw light tubes, barbwire, tables, thumb tacks, kendo sticks, and chairs. The match stayed at a great pace. Neither of them wanted to give up and each took a massive beating. Both of them had so many thumb tacks in there boots they where sliding around. A sick missed moonsault and Kaos landed on the tacks and light tubes. Grade A
Supreme vs Alterboy Luke- Wow great hardcore match. I was shocked, I assumed it would be a classic squash match, since Luke looked out of his league. Luke hit Supreme with everything he had but the monster took control. Light tubes, tables, and thumbtacks where used, and we saw an amazing finish. Grade B+
Nosawa vs White Trash Johnny Webb- Well this is a great match, but they show it twice on the DVD. This is also shown on XPW best of the Deathmatches.
The best of the deathmatches is one of the best series out there right now. This DVD is fanytastic. For what you would pay for 1 DVD you get The King of the deathmatches DVD, XPW best of the deathmatches, and then 4 other top level matches from other XPW ppv's. This is 4:30 hours long and if you haven't seen the matches, you need to get this. Grade A