Oscar winning documentary will change your life
BenAustinTX | Austin, TX United States | 05/01/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This incredible two-disc set of the Oscar-winning "Best Boy" and its sequel, "Best Man", is already out in stores so I'm not sure why amazon has a late May release date. (I've seen copies at both Borders and Tower). In any case, in a world of great documentaries, few can top this powerful account of mentally challenged Philly Wohl, the director's cousin, as his aging parents try to get him on his feet before their deaths. If you can get through many of these scenes without crying -- Philly at his new day center watching a new girl friend dance with someone else as confusion falls over his face, Philly singing "If I Were a Rich Man" backstage with Zero Mostel, and, especially, Philly digesting news of his father's death -- then your heart is far more hardened than mine. This film (and its less known sequel, which catches up with Philly 20 years later) does what Hollywood can not with pathetic star vehicles like "Forrest Gump" and "Rainman": make you change the way you look at mentally challenged people and the ones who care for them forever. And, lest you think this sounds like a total downer, you'll be amazed how much you smile and fall in love with these people, as well. Don't miss this one and thank God for companies that Docurama that get these great long-out-of-print films back out there."
A story about family, independence and tradition
dr gross | Los Angeles | 06/07/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Thank you Ira Wohl for this wonderful story of family, disability and the beauty of Judasim. Ira's production companty is called Only Child Productions, and these films show how much he wants the extended family and intense connection that he missed as an only child. He films his cousins Philly and Frances with love and respect, and they are utterly filmable with their non-selfconsciousness and goodness.The answer to another reviewer's question is that the song Philly sings in "Best Boy" over the credits and with the psychiatrist is the Anniversary Waltzs (Oh, how we danced, on the night, we were wed...)A wonderful film for anyone intersted in family, disability or Judaisim."
Wonderful true-to-life movie!
Heike Dilly | Ohio, USA | 02/02/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As a worker in the field of MRDD (mental retardation and developmental diabilities), I am always interested to see movies or documentaries about the people we serve. I was surprised to see this well-made film about such "real" people. No "poor retarded guy" schmooz, no extremely horrendous happenings, just a story about a man's life. Philly is a great guy with an exquisite, infectuous lust for life who had me laughing out loud! Yes, I was singing along to "If I were a Rich Man"! His down-to-earth, helpful, at times scared parents and sister mad me almost cry, because too often in our world of MRDD, our clients are alone, without family. Inspiring! Loving! Real!"