Contents of this DVD
David Brown | NY | 06/21/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Many of America's leading Tai-chi masters and teachers - all in one DVD. It begins with an introduction to Tai-chi with Bob Klein, explaining forms, push hands and self defense principles. Then we see beautiful demonstrations of Tai-chi, showing incredible variety of movements and exercises.
Demonstrations include Yang, Chen, Sun, Guang Ping and Hao forms, Two person forms, Liu Ho Ba Fa Quan, Pakua Chang, Tai-chi Tiger Form, sword, sabre, fan and stick forms, sword sparring, self defense applications of forms, push hands and even the lion dance.
Demonstrations by Jou, Tsung Hwa - Yang, Jwing Ming - Jiang, Jianye - Pat Rice - Jay Dunbar - John Painter - Bob Klein - Jean Goulet and many more.
This program can be used to learn about Tai-chi, its basic principles and to see what the various exercises should look like when practiced properly. With this knowledge you will be able to distinguish good teachers. Many menu chapters make this DVD easy to use.
60 minutes"