When Guts first joined Griffith and the Band of the Hawk, the wheels of fate were set in motion. Since that time, Guts has learned the lessons of the battlefield and embraced his own path. Griffith has tasted ultimate vi... more »ctory and ultimate defeat. Caska has cast away her dead dreams and found new ones. Now all of the pawns are in place, and the Great Eclipse draws near. The terrible truth behind Griffith's destiny is revealed as the sun turns to sackcloth and the seas to blood.« less
"If you've enjoyed the series so far, and have grown rather fond of Gatsu and the band of Hawks, TURN AWAY NOW. Pretend this last edition does not exist, the ending will make you regret you ever started watching this series. Throughout the whole series you get used to having the main character Gatsu be downright invincible, but apparently he's nothing without his sword, because the moment he loses ahold of it, all he holds dear is defiled and taken away from him. Heck I like violence as much as the next guy, but when you see characters you've grown fond of being slaughtered in the WORST POSSIBLE WAY by demons, begging for help while being devoured alive....well...I for one was seriously disturbed. Adding insult to injury, Gatsu lives on, but you never see him avenge the deaths of all his friends, you just see him days later, all healed up, as he's leaving Godo's home, armed with the DragonSlayer (if he had that in that previous battle, this would have been a different review), "don't get killed" he's told by Godo...and that's it, you're left to continue the series by ordering the books. I know I felt like throwing myself or someone out the window due to sheer frustruation. Still might.This is just the middle of the actual series, and there's no sign of the rest being animated, so unless you want to start buying the books on it, or looking for it online thanks to the fans who scan the pages, turn away now. You've been warned."
Darkness, Bloody Darkness...
Michael Crane | Orland Park, IL USA | 01/16/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Well, I have finished the "Berserk" series, and it was quite a journey. I'm a little saddened that this series really has no concrete conclusion and leaves the viewers hanging, possibly because this is only the beginning of the story. If I had known that from the beginning, it would've made the last two episodes a little better for me. Still, I'm overall pretty pleased with this dark and violent epic and hope that the series will continue on. "Berserk 6: God's Hand" is the conclusion to this first series, but not to the story.Guts and The Band of the Hawk stage a rescue to recover a very beaten and tattered Griffith from the kingdom's dungeon. He has lost his sanity and his mind as he has completely given himself into the darkness. It is here after they rescue him that the true horrific fate of Griffith comes to light as The Great Eclipse is present. All hope and all that once was seems to end in the last two episodes. This saga in whole reveals the story of how Guts came to be, but has only touched the surface of his ultimate quest and purpose.I really enjoyed watching the series and am glad that I invested my time into it. However, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't a tad disappointed with the conclusion. The ending felt more like a teaser to me than anything else. I know now that I will definitely invest my time should a second series (and there better be with the way things ended) be released. It's still an amazing anime epic that ventures into bloodshed and darkness.This anime series is in no way intended for younger viewers, especially these last four episodes. They contain strong and brutal violence, extreme blood and gore, nudity, a brief scene of rape, nudity, language, and dark and disturbing themes and imagery. Extras included are trailers, outtakes, a TV spot and more.In no way am I disappointed with "Berserk" as a whole, but it is sad to see that there is no concrete ending for this first series. "Berserk 6: God's Hand" tends to leave more questions than answers, but it is still necessary to the series. These 25 episodes have been quite the journey. Just be willing to accept that you're not going to get an open-and-shut ending--and whatever you do, do not expect a happy ending. Then again, maybe this was suspected all along. Still a very exciting and intense saga that was time well spent."
Beyond Good & Evil Lies Berserk (MAJOR SPOILERS)
riverwolf909 | Riverside, CA | 07/17/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"One of the most amazing things about this series in general is that nothing is black and white; Berserk is an addicting look into the beautiful, brutal grey. The primary story arc follows the life and adventures of Guts, in an extended flashback that begins with Episode 2 and eventually comes full circle, leading the viewer back to the events in Episode 1. (The first couple episodes may be a bit confusing, but by the end of the series, everything makes sense.) Though Guts is the "hero" of the story, his actions aren't always good - the assassination that leads to the death of the victim's young son as well, comes to mind - but this is the strength of the series: it doesn't shy away from the darker nature of humanity. As for the last DVD in the series, it could more accurately be called the conclusion of the first part of a much larger story; make no mistake, Guts' story is only just beginning at the end of God's Hands. Many reviewers have written that they felt "cheated" and "disappointed" by the final two episodes of this series. My question to them is why? No, the last two episodes don't tie up every little loose end, but they're not supposed to. They're only supposed to end this part of the story, which they did admirably. Granted, part of me really would've liked to see Guts and Caska get their "happily ever after" ending, but could any one really see that happening and still be true to the overall story of Berserk? Their love (though the word "love" is never used by them, it's in every action and look they share) is made even more poignant because they faught so long and hard to realize it, yet it lasted so briefly. The only real complaint I have is, what became of Caska and how did Guts escape the "Hell" he was trapped in? In this sense, the final episode feels a little rushed, but it doesn't distract too much from the overall brilliance of this series. I won't go so far as to say it's the best series there is, but it is *one* of the better ones ever made and close to top in its genre."
No, No$B!"(BNo, Every has it wrong.
M. Navas | 03/31/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Been reading all these reviews of Berserk and as an avid fan of the Berserk series, I just thought I should clarify a few points. The first thing is that Berserk, the animation is based on an ONGOING comic book and by no means should anyone think that the animation is the "conclusion" to the Berserk Series. In fact, the animation covers (loosely) books 1 through 13 on the comic series and currently the comic book is at book 26. In other words, the animation really does end prematurely. For many of you don't have the luxury of reading the series and just curious to know what happens, I will write a quick synposis of the rest of the story to date (WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD).1. After GUTS loses his hand and eye, he is saved by the skull helmed warrior king.
2. Casca become insane and also gives birth a demon child.
3. Guts leaves Casca and goes on a hunt for the all the disciples of the God Hand.
4. Eventually he returns back for Casca and finds out that she is missing (and still insane).
5. He quests out to find her and saves her from a mideval type of Inquisition.
6. Griffith returns in human form and forms of a near Falcon Army used to defend the Midland from these new invaders.
7. Guts teams up with a young witch, insane Casca, a former inquisitor and her bodyguard to hunt down more disciples.
8. Most recently, Guts is superpowered up as he receives an enchanted armor of the dwarves that makes him near superhuman.I think that is about it. No matter what the animation will never do the comics justice just based on the adult nature of the comics. Anyways, I hope this helps some people."
Great Series... Big misundeerstanding
riverwolf909 | 07/06/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The ending of Berserk is one of the most violent and disturbing things I have ever seen, but that only makes it better. As many people have said, the ending is not actually the real ending and the manga series continues to this day. Also, as many people have said, it is very unlikely that there will be a continuation of the series. However, the anime series was quite popular in Japan for it's late night time slot, but still there wasn't a large enough audience to warrant a second season. Though there have been rumors that the series will be continued, don't count on it happening. I hope you find this review helpful."