Sacked, jilted, his apartment stripped's just not Bernard Bottle's day. all he has left is an old Arabic lamp, and when he gives it a good polish, the ensuing explosion puts him in a hospital. He returns home -... more » to a very large genie (Lenny Hen« less
J. C. M. Bannerman | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA | 12/03/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I was really excited to find this title available on DVD and it arrived on time for Christmas (most appropriate). The problem is that I have a high definition TV set and a pretty good sound system, which highlights the limitiations of this pressing. The picture is a bit fuzzy, but a definite improvement over my VHS copy. The sound quality is acceptable.
Yes, this is an official copy, not a bootleg (I'm adding this to my original review). The quality is much better than broadcast quality (i.e., VHS). The pressing, however, is not as good a copy as it could be. It obviously has not been enhanced for DVD and this stands out when you watch on a high definition Set.
My strong suspicion is that this is due to the fact that this was a made for TV film. The pressing's quality can be enhanced to meet the DVD medium, which it obviously hasn't.
I would have been much happier if the quality measured up to the DVD medium, which is why this gets four stars. Wham USA (the distributor) should either improve the quality or lower the price. That is the price is not really commensurate with the DVD's quality.
Of course, there are folks for whom this matters not, of which I count myself."
Getting the DVD
Stephen Baines | Bath, Somerset, UK | 01/17/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It seems that although Bernard and the Genie is available on DVD from Amazon, it's not an official version... and not wishing to pay nearly $30 and take pot luck, I can't say what the quality is like although I'd have thought it must have been imported from videotape...
However, after a bit of digging, I have discovered the company which owns the license for Brenard and the Genie is the Fremantle Media Group, based in London. So if, like me, you are dying to get hold of a fresh, new, official DVD, at a sensible price, please send them an email:
The campaign starts here...
Kylie Minogue Smile
David Baldwin | Philadelphia,PA USA | 12/14/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
""Bernard and the Genie" is a delicious British confection, not unlike a box of Thornton chocolates. This is a delightfully humorous Christmas fable with wit and style. Allen Cumming is drolly funny as the mousy art dealer, Bernard. Lenny Henry is boisterously outrageous as the genie that Bernard unleashes after two thousand years of captivity. Rowan Atkinson, as usual, is hilariously slimy as Bernard's boss. Despite it's Christmas trappings your enjoyment of this film transcends the seasonal setting. Hop on your nylon magic carpet and see this film."
Take Out My Eyeballs And Fry Them In Ginger!!!!
D. Roberts | Brentwood, Essex UK | 09/03/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is without a doubt a brilliant DVD, I first saw this film as a 9 yeat old and have loved it since forever!
I can't believe that this film isn't available to buy in the shops, if anyone reading this review fondly remembers Bernard and the Genie then i beg you, buy this DVD!!! its brilliant."
Sweet, but never syrupy
Cheryl A. Lightfoot | Toledo, OH United States | 04/18/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
""Bernard and the Genie" is everything a Christmas movie should be: heartwarming, poignant, tear-jerking and hilarious. By the end you should be cheering and crying, thoroughly touched by this marvelous film. If I didn't already have it on tape, I'd be paying $80 to whoever is selling it right now. One of my favorite movies, Christmas or no."