You can never go wrong watching classic Benny Hill but watch your younger audiences.
Movie Reviews
T. Amo | Stockton, CA United States | 08/07/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As a longtime fan of The Benny Hill Show and author of a book about Benny called "Benny Hill, This Life of Laughter" currently in production. I can happily say the A&E new DVD release of Benny Hill Naughty Years set fantastic. The transfers are clean and fantastic. It the way Benny should be seen. Naturally the way Ron Gold and DL Tafner brought Benny to America was indeed the right way by giving us the half hour edited down versions for speed and removing the regional jokes and musical numbers...but NOW after 20 years since Benny burst on the American tv scene, this is what hardcore Hill fans have been waiting for. The complete unedited hour long shows. They attention to detail is terrific. Let's hope that A&E means it when they say "Set one" and look for many more sets to follow. I know the fans will not be disapointed in this at all, not like the lukewarm Golden great series. These deliver, nicely package. I have been watching mine since yesterday!
Definatley worth the full price!
Thomas Amo"
'Golden Era Of Benny Hill!'
Ralph Schiller | Winfield, IL, USA | 09/29/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The A&E Collection Of 'Benny Hill Complete And Unadulterated - The Naughty Early Years, Set One (1969 - 1971) is an absolute treasure to fans of this beloved, chubby, moon-faced comedian!
These are the very first episodes American TV audiences viewed of Benny Hill, when he was at the peak of his comic genius. Benny Hill is young, surprisingly slender in these shows and full of vitality, and energy missing from his twilight shows some twenty years later.
Here we can see the entire 'Benny Hill Show' special as it appeared on Thames Television in Great Britain, completely unedited. The shows boast first-rate musical numbers usually performed by Benny's in-house quartet of female singers, the Ladybirds, and Hill's brilliant comedy. American viewers will recognize some of the sketches, but be astonished as to how much material was edited out for American syndication, primarily for time considerations.
I always loved the delightful, and hilarious sketch, 'The European Song Of The Year Contest', which is in the very first special of the 11 included on this three-disc set. Here the sketch has several more contestants added, and a finale that was always deleted from the USA version. Even the order of the scenes in the sketches was juggled by the American editor! There are really only a few moments where a skit or gag was dropped because of raciness or poor taste.
There are also three black & white specials included on this set that were never broadcast in any form to American television, as USA audiences are generally loathe to watch anything not in color!
What is also remarkable about these broadcasts is that the beautiful women on the show clearly take a backseat to comedy and music! There are still no "Hill's Angels" as of yet, just lovely ladies appearing in the hilarious comedy skits.
This is the very best of Benny Hill, and the sharp clear copies of his shows, are truly 'old gold' to fans of the great comedian!
Not the Benny Hill you remember from the '80s, but still rea
Todd Bovair | Wynantskill, NY United States | 05/09/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Most Americans were introduced to Benny Hill in the very late '70s/ early '80's as a syndicated program sold to independent stations called "The Benny Hill Show". This show was a compilation of sorts- bits and pieces of Benny's Thames TV specials (which averaged about once a month in England) were assembled as episodes for American TV. The skits that involved regional UK humor, very thick British accents, and the 'celebrity' musical acts were generally left out- only skits 'acceptable' for American audiences were included (oddly enough, the bawdy humor and even nudity were deemed 'acceptable'!).
Now, A&E have released Benny's Thames specials complete and uncut. Some may find these a bit unsettling, as some skits can scarcely be understood (due to thick accents and material referencing UK personas little-known to Americans) and the 'celebrity' musical/dancing guests leave much to be desired. Still, these are the specials that the American Benny Hill Show was culled from, and should be of great interest to any Benny Hill fan.
Season one is NOT the Benny Hill you may remember. This set comprises the specials from 1969-1971, so this was pretty early on. While their are hints of the bawdy humor that would become Benny's trademark, the humor in this set is quite tame really. That shouldn't keep any Benny fans from viewing this set though, as Benny's wit is razor sharp here. Clever comedy songs (as always), Benny's double entendres (when they were still original!), and funny slapstick skits are all here for your enjoyment. This is where Benny really started to become the comedian that is a worldwide legend. While later seasons would become more risque (much to the delight of Benny fans everywhere), season one offers a glimpse of a comedian who sparkles with originality and enthusiasm. That alone is worth checking out season one for.
A&E has done a great job with these DVD sets. The picture looks as good as it did when these specials were originally broadcast, and releasing these sets UNCUT is especially appreciated by all hardcore Benny fans. My one complaint with these sets (and it is a MAJOR one) is that there are NO SUBTITLES! Much of the show involves thick English accents. While I am very practiced in deciphering these, I'm sure many Americans are going to have great difficulty understanding what is being said (especially important since a lot of Benny's humor is very nuanced, like the extensive use of double entendres). Please A&E, subtitle all future sets! Still, if you can understand the dialogue (it comes with practice), this is a good set to begin your Benny Hill experience.
By the way, if you are one of those humorless people who think Benny is just an unfunny 'dirty old man': GET A LIFE. I'm sure you make everyone around you miserable with your pathetic lack of humor (and why are you here reading this, anyway?). LONG LIVE BENNY HILL!!!!!
Outstanding and New to America
John A Lee III | San Antonio, TX | 11/05/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Like many others, I have fond memories of the Benny Hill show running on US television. That is why I was glad to order this set. I got more than I bargained for. Unknown to me, the original Benny Hill Show was a 1 hour format. What we got in the US were cut down ½ hour programs. This set contains the full, original programs and they are outstanding.
I remember Benny Hill as a comedian. He is. I remembered his show as a comedy show. It was but it was also a variety show and contains some dated, but good examples of 70s style and song.
Hill's genius is in playing with language. His puns, double entendres and rhymes are masterful. What is even more remarkable is that he manages to do so much with other languages as well. Some is real, some is nonsense but just enough comes through to make it hilarious in English as well.
Besides his gift for language, Hill and his crew were masters of sight gags. Much of their comedy is physical. This too works and is timeless.
This is a priceless collection for any Benny Hill fan.
A great collection for a Benny Hill fan! :)
#1 BH Fan | 08/26/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
This is a great package that shows the Benny Hill Shows in their original format with the neat bonus of 3 b/w episodes that contains some of his best work. It's a real treat to see these 11 shows as well as sketches never seen on American TV. The picture quality is beautiful as one would expect from DVDs and worth it.
Concerning the yellow band across the screen mentioned in the review below by Halo Jones- it's not a flaw at all in the DVD process since that was also present in his show when it aired on television. I always thought it was to try to make the effect of Henry McGee's face of him "glowing". I might be wrong, but with Benny Hill being a master in visual gigs I just always thought that was why that "weird visual hit" occurred. :) In that time, he was experimenting with visual gigs and in today's standard it might be weird, but in that time it was a big thing.
I really hope more sets are released from "The Benny Hill Show"! :)