"I just recieved my Live in Perth dvd yesterday, and quickly poped it in the dvd player. It is a very low budget dvd, with no sub titles exept for Watch concert, and song select. The price of this item does reflect on the overall quality of the sound presented in the dvd, it's not the best. I found the sound in Live at West 54 to be much better.(However this dvd is a LIVE concert just as it is advertised) And this is why the dvd did not recieve a full 5 stars, however this is why i've given it the 4 stars.....
This dvd included 14 of some his greatest
Zak and Sara
Fred Jones Part 2
Steven's Last Night In Town
Annie Waits
Not the Same
The Ascent of Stan
Rock This Bitch
The Luckiest
Ben's performance is flawless as usual, and the orchastra is simply amazing. I love the luckiest. Just a hint Rock this bith is completly different, he made up a new version, and it's really comical. I enjoyed it. ONe really amazing thing about the dvd is bens comentay between songs, he explains a meaning for most of them, and it's really cool. BUY THIS IF YOUR A FAN You'll enjoy it
C. Mcgrath | Berwyn, IL | 04/28/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I read a review here that says the quality isn't great. I don't know what DVD they were watching, but the picture and sound quality are both top notch, better than most live performances you'll see on DVD.
Musically it's a gorgeous choice, while some work better than others (Steven's Last Night in Town and Evaporated being standouts with the symphony) and I would have liked to hear other favorites (Army, Jane) it's still an incredible experience, and I found myself laughing out loud a few times at Ben's humor and interaction with the crowd.
Simply put, any fan of Ben Folds (or of well written music in general) should be able to enjoy this DVD thoroughly."
Ben Folds and WASO - Fantastic Show, Sound quality leaves so
sailfast | Chicago, IL | 12/10/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I've seen Ben Folds live in many contexts, with the new band, with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, solo with piano, live indoors, outside, and everywhere else. This show is one of the best I've seen out of all of them, and the DVD gets great reviews because of it. The orchestrations are good, though there were a few things I would change that stood out. Local Perth musicians put the arrangements together and they sounded good though there were obvious off-tempo sections and wrong notes from the otherwise great orchestra. My complaint with this DVD is not the accompanists, however, but with the main mix. It's definitely better than a high quality bootleg of the show, but it's not what you would expect from an Epic Records DVD. Because of the live environment, there is a good deal of feedback at times, and when the sound gets very loud there can be a drowning out effect as the trebles take over the mix, but otherwise it's done well for the amount of sound being produced from the stage.
Overall verdict: Fantastic show not to be missed with disappointing sound quality for the audiophile."
Ben Folds and WASO Live in Perth
B. Williams | Perth - Australia | 12/16/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I suppose I'm biased when reviewing this, as I was one of the lucky West Australians that was at this show. Yay!
The great thing with Ben Folds is that he's not afraid to step outside the safety of what has previously proven to be a successful combination.
When Ben Folds Five departed, his first solo album was anything but Ben Folds Five sounding, then with Songs for Silverman his comfort as a solo artist clearly shone through.
This DVD is basic, but it's that simplicity which makes it so good. Whilst it may not be the greatest live music DVD ever produced (I'd probably award that Pearl Jam's Touring Band 2000), Anyone that's into Ben Fold's won't be able to fault this. A simple DVD, with beautiful songs, arranged with intricate complexity.
For those of you who thought Orchestral music was for old folk, or the Star Wars movies scores, think again. Fantastic interpretations on some classic Ben Folds songs."
yo mama | 12/19/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"What a great show. The arrangements are fantastic... even ones that I thought sounded "off" at times are starting to grow on me. My favorite so far is Smoke, i get chills down my spine every time I listen. here's a tip... rip the dvd to mp3 files and listen on your personal player with headphones, it's insanely good. Peace."