Horrible-don't go near this DVD!!
S. Thrall | 01/12/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this DVD to add to my belly dance video collection. I was looking for a good workout and instead had one of the worst belly dance experinces in my life. The instructor doesn't know what she is talking about, or at least not enough to teach it to others. She calls umis "yummies". However you may enjoy when she bring out her friend toward the end of the DVD. The technique of her assitant is so poor that it will make you laugh, or feel better about your own technique. She doesn't even do enough moves to make this an effective workout. There are so many better belly dance work out DVDs on the market that this one is a complete waste of money. Don't do it, you'll be sorry."
Low Quality Production
Loretta A. Morrell | 12/27/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I do a lot of Bellydance workouts for fitness. This video has extremely low production values...bare set, bad sound. The instructor tries too hard to be cute and breathlessly sexy and there's a segment at the end where she brings in a friend to demonstrate...what exactly, I'm not sure. On the plus side, if you do the 20 minute or so workout you will feel a little sroeness and maybe get your heart rate up a little."
Low quality, semi-decent dancer, poor teaching, poor workout
Lena, LMT | Nassau, NY | 01/29/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This is the usual Denise Druce videos from fifitessentials net
This is done in the empty room of the gym. Melissa teaches who has a 6-pack abs which goes against the original past of belly dancing. She tries to be sexy, but seems VERY bored which made me bored as well. She barely cues, teaches little & there's a lot of silence with her looking around bored. The music is techno/trancy w/little beat & slow tempo. The warm-up music even reminded me of a slow Engima song.
Warm-up - 3 min
deep breathing w/arm stretches, more easy, snake arms, light stretching & posing
Workout - 19 min
No rhyme or reason to it. She did her right side single hip circles in fwd direction & the left hip in a backward direction only. She only did small hip circles or omi one sided hip circles on one hip one direction only & the other. She barely teaches you anything & even doesn't cue to tell you to travel with hip circles, etc. in the other direction. She does large hip circles, omis, single hips circles, camels, hip twists, undulations, figure 8s, chest circles.
At the 20 min mark for 2 min she brings out Donna who can't even do a rib slide w/o involving her hips.
Cool down - 5 min
more breathing, simple, easy torso stretches, touches toes, bend leg at knee to butt stretch, that's about it.
There is an extra "freestyle" with bad techno music again & Melissa doing the moves she showed repeatedly with no rhyme again. She does move her arms well & does have potential, but I'm not sure she's into dancing because she enjoys it or because she figures it will make her look hot & a whole "look at me" thing going.
This is very boring, slow pace, little/no teaching, boring workout. Since lack of teaching, this is not for anyone who doesn't already know how to execute the moves by heart already. Save your money."