V. Gail Puckett | 06/04/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD is wonderful, especially for people who grew up listening to the Beatles, it is like a walk down memory lane and after all, who is better than the Beatles??"
How the Beatles conquered America
Jazz Badger | Canada | 07/31/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Fascinating document -- easily the best rock doc I've ever seen.
Funny, illuminating, and a great way to present the historic Sullivan appearances as well.
Any Beatles fan must buy this, and anyone else who wants a great look behind the scenes and at the same time get a feel for the youthquake they caused.
Absolutely essential."
Not up to my expectations
E. J. Ryan | South Africa | 12/26/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I love the Beatles, but feel somewhat disappointed in this DVD. Possibly my expectations were raised too high reading these reviews. I already own the Ed Sullivan shows, so that was nothing new. The larking around was the biggest disappointment. I'd heard so much about the humour of the Beatles that I expected to be rolling in laughter. Actually, I found this ad libbing somewhat boring after a while and scarcely worth a repeat viewing. I wasn't 'there' for this historical event so it doesn't have the nostalgia impact it might have for older baby boomers. I'm, I guess, a young baby boomer.
Two parts I really did enjoy, but they were very short. The Collisseum show was better than I expected, but simultaneously saddened me for the pathetic technology and stage management - even though I understand it was standard practice for the time. The site of Paul manhandling Ringo's wobbly platform 90 degrees every song is just not something I could show my kids. That's a school band, not the single greatest rock band the world has ever known.
Secondly, George singing a Bob Dylan song was unexpected and a treat - but again, all too brief. I don't regret owning this - I could never regret owning anything by the Beatles. I have long wanted to acquire The Anthology, but now feel more rather than less hesitant if it is all like this."