M. Buisman | Amsterdam, NL | 09/17/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I got this CD when I got the book 'Shout' and it is basically the accompanying DVD. Funny thing is that the book did not talk a lot about the music, and neither does this DVD. In fact it seems that they didn't have the rights to the music so you don't hear even one snippet of Beatles music, just people talking, which is nice but not like it should be."
Fills a niche
Paperback Writer | Indianapolis, Indiana United States | 09/02/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is NOT a well-rounded documentary as claimed, but it fills a niche in the ever-expanding library of Beatles material. It focuses on the "dark" side of the Beatles story, leaving out the joy, generosity and, most of all, the music. But no doubt most of it is true, and it has its place in balancing the bigger picture."
This is valueless
Christine B. Barrett | United States Of America | 09/07/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Terrible. If you've ever read ANY book on the Beatles or have done even the slightest research, you'll already know 99.999999%++++ of this. I'm no novice when it comes to the Beatles. I've been a slightly ( :D ) obsessed fan for years. I only reviewed this in the hopes that the film might have been helpful to newer Beatles fans. Nope. It isn't. You KNOW a film is valueless when it starts out talking about the Beatles recreational drug use as if it was a secret. Hopefully you all know, Paul McCartney admitted to taking LSD as early as 1967. This movie was basically a way to release 45+ year old material, pawn it off as new, pad it with a few interviews which contain absoulutely no insight, make some artwork that the company stole from a Google image search, stick a $20 price sticker on it, find some gullible fans and make a profit. If your really a newbie who needs information, make better use of your money and buy some used copies of Mark Lewisohn excellent "The Beatles: Recording Sessions: The Official Abbey Road Studio Session Notes, 1962-1970", or basically, well, anything. Anything has to be better than this. But, this does have a use. Take the paper out from beneath the plastic on the cover, and recycle it. Be eco friendly. Then make a Christmas tree ornament out of the disc, but, be sure to scratch the hell out of it, to spare future generations from this horrible film, and, use the remainder of the cover to put a much better disc in. Yeah, it's a horrible movie."
Michael W. Tan | Los Angeles, CA United States | 07/19/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The highlight of the first 30 minutes is Paul McCartney never paid back Allan Williams 15 quid and a bar maid in Hamburg wasn't very impressed by their first gig. Woo hoo. A giant waste of time. There is only about 5 minutes of juicy material and almost everything is sound bytes from out of context interviews or misleading innuendo like "accused of arson in Hamburg" (but never actually charged). Is it really a secret that John was violent? He very famously admitted on a TV interview that he was "a hitter". The entire "documentary" was overtly agenda driven and has hardly a shred of hard evidence. Almost everything is conjecture and you'll also notice that most of those interviewed qualify almost every comment they make. I suppose if you didn't know Brian Epstein was gay or the Beatles took drugs and had lots of sex with girls other than their wives you'd be shocked but this DVD is pretty much worthless drivel..."