This unique 50-minute DVD traces the extraordinary rise of the Beatles from their early days in the clubs of Liverpool and Germany to their undisputed status as the world's most successful "pop" group ever. Watch the asto... more »unding events unfold as Beatleman« less
Mark Williams | New Palestine, IN USA | 01/26/2002
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Beatles Big Beat Box includes a DVD of newsreel footage and interviews as well as a CD containing music written by the Beatles but performed by Beatles sound-alike (sort of) group. The compilers of this material have dug up some very poor quality old black & white news films, tinted them in strange colors (one scene is orange, cut to a scene in blue, pretty annoying) and backed it up with a soundtrack of some Beatles pretenders. Several of the interview segments don't even include the Beatles themselve but feature fans. Interestingly, one of the music tracks is called "In Spite of All the Danger," which is said to be the title of a "lost" John Lennon tune. It is presented here as an example ofhow the Beatles might have written and recorded it. Didn't these guys even check out the Beatles Anthology? "In Spite of All The Danger" was a Paul McCartney song that is available on disc #1 of the Antholgy and it is not the song presented in Big Beat Box. Much of the video material is available on other documentaries and the quality of both picture and sound is far suprior on those other programs to what is to be found in "Big Beat Box" I found it difficult to understand what was being said a good portion of the time due to the poor quality of the audio. As for the music CD -- well, it's not bad, It includes several instrumentals that are done well enough and the quality of the recordings is good. On the other hand, if I want to listen to Beatles music, I usually want to hear the lads themselves. To sum it up: I am quite disappointed in this product. I can't imagine anyone being satisfied with it. I am quite interested to learn from anyone who has another view just what of value they might find in this package."
Mark Williams | 01/24/2002
(1 out of 5 stars)
One word that says it all. This DVD is nothing but old TV news footage. Video of the Beatles during Beatlemania days and interviews with some fans. To true Beatles fans (like me) that normally would be pretty interesting, but this footage is junk.
By looking at it, it appears to me the producers couldn't find the original prints or even decent copies.
To hide the fact the quality is so bad they tinted it in different colors. Blue, red, purple... etc. At times you can barely make out what it is you're watching.
Maybe the producers thought this looks psychedelic or artistic... I believe it's just to cover up bad video.There is no music here sung by the Beatles... it's all by some Beatles sound alike band... why would you want to hear that?The bonus features are laughable... a few still pictures of the Beatles.Please don't waste your money on DVD like I did. If nobody buys this... maybe producers will get the message and stop releasing more stuff like it."
BeatleBangs1964 | United States | 03/26/2002
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The Beatles are the titular stars in this poorly made video. Instead of being treated to the REAL Beatles, we hear an ersatz band of quasi sound alikes. That is bad enough, but the bizarre color tinting and the poor quality of the film is enough to convince you to beat a path in the opposite direction of this video.Skip this. Get the Complete Beatles or the Beatles First U.S. Visit instead."
BeatleBangs1964 | 01/03/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD is an absolute waste of time and money; I literally cannot believe the list retail price for this. The package consists of a 50 minute DVD montage of the poorest quality newsreel footage of the Beatles, made poorer by single tone color tinting, plus a CD collection of Beatles songs (some written by the Beatles, others they did memorable covers of) that are performed by "The Overtures and others." Several of these same selections are played on the audio track of the DVD newsreel montage, especially an alleged "lost Lennon song" called "In Spite of All the Danger" which is played numerous times on the soundtrack itself!!!
As for the DVD itself, the montage of newsreel footage is of the poorest quality - both sound and picture - imaginable. ... The sound quality of the interviews - what few there are - is equally poor. There was one segment of the Beatles at an airport for a 5 minute press conference where you could barely hear the questions being asked, or the responses. Everything for which DVD technology was invented, you will NOT get with this DVD."
No stars at all,....alias zero !
Peter Pan & wendy | 11/08/2002
(1 out of 5 stars)
"it is not different, can buy the cd's in your local stores!
what a boring released it is! only old footage , interviews with the fans but no music from the band!you check out Deep purple, or led zeppelin DVD collections are much much better than this one!"